RabbitCore RCM4200
3.2.1 Use of Serial Flash
The following sample programs can be found in the SAMPLES\RCM4200\Serial_Flash
—This program runs a simple Web server and stores a log of
hits on the home page of the serial flash “server.” This log can be viewed and cleared
from a browser at You will likely have to first “configure” your net-
work interface card for a “10Base-T Half-Duplex,” “100Base-T Half-Duplex,” or an
“Auto-Negotiation” connection on the “Advanced” tab, which is accessed from the
control panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel) by choosing Network
—This program is a handy utility for inspecting the contents of a
serial flash chip. When the sample program starts running, it attempts to initialize a
serial flash chip on Serial Port C. Once a serial flash chip is found, the user can perform
five different commands to print out the contents of a specified page, set all bytes on
the specified page to a single random value, clear (set to zero) all the bytes in a speci-
fied page, set all bytes on the specified page to a given value, or save user-specified text
to a selected page.