If a free-running conversion is required, then the converter can
be made to cycle by inverting the
output and feeding it
. To ensure that the converter starts reliably after power-
up an initial start pulse is required. This can be ensured by
using a NOR gate instead of an inverter and feeding it with a
positive-going pulse which can be derived from a simple RC
network that gives a single pulse when power is applied, as
shown in Fig.4a.
The ADC will complete a conversion on every eighth clock
pulse, with the
output going high for a period
determined by the propagation delay of the NOR gate, during
which time the data can be stored in a latch. The time available
for storing data can be increased by inserting delays into the
inverter path.
A timing diagram for the continuous conversion mode is
shown in Fig.3b.
As the
output uses a passive pull-up the rise time of this
output depends on the RC time constant of the pull-up resistor
and load capacitance. In the continuous conversion mode the
use of a 4k7 external pull-up resistor is recommended to
reduce the risetime and ensure that a logic 1 level is reached.
Fig.4b Timing for continuous conversion
The data outputs are provided with three-state buffers to allow
connection to a common data bus. An equivalent circuit is
shown in Fig.5. Whilst the
input is high both output
transistors are turned off and the ZN448/9 presents only a high
impedance load to the bus.
is low the data outputs will assume the logic states
present at the outputs of the successive register.
A test circuit and timing diagram for the output enable/disable
delays are given in Fig.6.
Fig.4a Circuit for continuous conversion