1) Inputs V
and V
are designed to be wired to
the power inputs of an LNB via high value (10k)
resistors. Input V
controls a combination of the
Yn1 outputs. Input V
controls a combination of the
Yn2 outputs. With either input voltage set at or below
14V, one of the corresponding Y0n or Y2n outputs
becomes active dependent upon the presence of a
tone. With either input voltage set at or above 15.5V,
one of the corresponding Y1n or Y3n outputs becomes
active dependent upon the presenence of a tone.
Should the voltage applied to either V
input fall
below 9.5V, all outputs on the corresponding output
will go high, otherwise these outputs are as normal.
Any input or output not required may be left
2) The ZLNB2010 includes the circuitry necessary to
detect the presence of 22kHz tones modulated on
either of two supply inputs to the LNB. The main
elements of the detectors in each channel are an
a rectifier/smoother and a comparator. Full user
control is given over the centre frequency and
bandwidth of the filter using two external resistors and
overvoltage protection of the corresponding V
i.e. the 10k referenced in note 1). The comparator
circuit utilises no external components. The presence
of a 22kHz tone applied to pin Fin1 or Fin2 switches the
corresponding output Yn1 or Yn2 high.
3) The ZLNB2006/9 includes the circuitry necessary to
detect the presence of 22kHz tones modulated on
either of two supply inputs to the LNB. The main
elements of the detectors in each channel are an
a rectifier/smoother and a comparator. Full user
control is given over the centre frequency and
bandwidth of the filter using two external resistors and
overvoltage protection of the corresponding Vpol pin,
i.e. the 10k referenced in note 1). The comparator
circuit utilises no external components. The presence
of a 22kHz tone applied to pin Fin1 or Fin2 switches the
corresponding output Yn1 or Yn2 high. Pins Crec1 and
Crec2 on the ZLNB2006/9 make accessible the outputs
of the tone switch rectifiers and provides a means of
controlling tone switch delays. Significant switching
delays may be necessary to avoid incorrect operation
in the presence of unwanted interference (e.g.
For correct operation of the IC, a capacitor and a
parallel connected resistor should be connected
between each Crec pin and ground. The Yout low to
high delays are set solely by the added capacitors at
approximately 22ms/uF. The high to low delays are set
by the time constant of each resistor capacitor
combination at approximately 0.2CR seconds. A
capacitor of 100nF and resistor of 1M
to high delay of around 2.2ms and a high to low delay
of 20ms, providing immunity to the 60Hz square wave
signal occasionally used for switching between
multiple LNB units.
will give a low
ISSUE 1 - APRIL 2002