CPS DC-4243-00
Low Margin:
Customer is advised that this product does not meet
Zilog's internal guardbanded test policies for the
specifcation requested and is supplied on an exception
basis. Customer is cautioned that delivery may be uncertain
and that, in addition to all other limitations on Zilog liability
stated on the front and back of the slaes order
acknowledgement, Zilog makes no claim as to quality and
reliability under the CPS. The product remains subject to
standard warranty for replacement due to defects in
materials and workmanship.
1994 by Zilog, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document
may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means
without the prior written consent of Zilog, Inc. The information in
this document is subject to change without notice. Devices sold
by Zilog, Inc. are covered by warranty and patent indemnification
provisions appearing in Zilog, Inc. Terms and Conditions of Sale
only. Zilog, Inc. makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied or
by description, regarding the information set forth herein or
regarding the freedom of the described devices from intellectual
property infringement. Zilog, Inc. makes no warranty of mer-
chantability or fitness for any purpose. Zilog, Inc. shall not be
responsible for any errors that may appear in this document.
Zilog, Inc. makes no commitment to update or keep current the
information contained in this document.
Zilog’s products are not authorized for use as critical compo-
nents in life support devices or systems unless a specific written
agreement pertaining to such intended use is executed between
the customer and Zilog prior to use. Life support devices or
systems are those which are intended for surgical implantation
into the body, or which sustains life whose failure to perform,
when properly used in accordance with instructions for use
provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in
significant injury to the user.
Zilog, Inc. 210 East Hacienda Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008-6600
Telephone (408) 370-8000
Telex 910-338-7621
FAX 408 370-8056
Pre-Characterization Product:
The product represented by this CPS is newly introduced
and Zilog has not completed the full characterization of the
product. The CPS states what Zilog knows about this
product at this time, but additional features or non-
conformance with some aspects of the CPS may be found,
either by Zilog or its customers in the course of further
application and characterization work. In addition, Zilog
cautions that delivery may be uncertain at times, due to
start-up yield issues.