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DS025-1 (v3.0) March 21, 2014
Module 1 of 4
Production Product Specification
Fast, Extended Block RAM, 1.8 V FPGA Family
560 Kb and 1,120 Kb embedded block RAM
130 MHz internal performance (four LUT levels)
PCI compliant 3.3 V, 32/64-bit, 33/66-MHz
Sophisticated SelectRAM+ Memory Hierarchy
294 Kb of internal configurable distributed RAM
Up to 1,120 Kb of synchronous internal block RAM
True Dual-Port block RAM
Memory bandwidth up to 2.24 Tb/s (equivalent
bandwidth of over 100 RAMBUS channels)
Designed for high-performance Interfaces to
external memories
200 MHz ZBT* SRAMs
200 Mb/s DDR SDRAMs
Highly Flexible SelectIO+ Technology
Supports 20 high-performance interface standards
Up to 556 singled-ended I/Os or up to 201
differential I/O pairs for an aggregate bandwidth of
>100 Gb/s
Complete Industry-Standard Differential Signalling
Al I/O signals can be input, output, or bi-directional
LVPECL and LVDS clock inputs for 300+ MHz
Proprietary High-Performance SelectLink
80 Gb/s chip-to-chip communication link
Support for Double Data Rate (DDR) interface
Web-based HDL generation methodology
Eight Fully Digital Delay-Locked Loops (DLLs)
IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan logic
Supported by Xilinx Foundation Series and Alliance
Series Development Systems
Internet Team Design (Xilinx iTD) tool ideal for
million-plus gate density designs
Wide selection of PC or workstation platforms
SRAM-based In-System Configuration
Unlimited re-programmability
Advanced Packaging Options
1.0 mm FG676 and FG900
1.27 mm BG560
μm 6-layer Metal Process with Copper
100% Factory Tested
* ZBT is a trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
The Virtex-E Extended Memory (Virtex-EM) family of
FPGAs is an extension of the highly successful Virtex-E
family architecture. The Virtex-EM family (devices shown in
Table 1) includes all of the features of Virtex-E, plus addi-
tional block RAM, useful for applications such as network
switches and high-performance video graphic systems.
Xilinx developed the Virtex-EM product family to enable
customers to design systems requiring high memory band-
width, such as 160 Gb/s network switches. Unlike traditional
ASIC devices, this family also supports fast time-to-market
delivery, because the development engineering is already
completed. Just complete the design and program the
device. There is no NRE, no silicon production cycles, and no
additional delays for design re-work. In addition, designers
can update the design over a network at any time, providing
product upgrades or updates to customers even sooner.
The Virtex-EM family is the result of more than fifteen years
of FPGA design experience. Xilinx has a history of support-
ing customer applications by providing the highest level of
logic, RAM, and features available in the industry. The Vir-
tex-EM family, first FPGAs to deploy copper interconnect,
offers the performance and high memory bandwidth for
advanced system integration without the initial investment,
long development cycles, and inventory risk expected in tra-
ditional ASIC development.
Virtex-E 1.8 V Extended Memory
Field Programmable Gate Arrays
DS025-1 (v3.0) March 21, 2014
Production Product Specification