Virtex-E 1.8 V Field Programmable Gate Arrays
DS022-2 (v3.0) March 21, 2014
Module 2 of 4
Production Product Specification
Verilog Initialization Example
input CLK, WE;
input [8:0] ADDR;
input [7:0] DIN;
output [7:0] DOUT;
wire logic0, logic1;
//synopsys dc_script_begin
//set_attribute ram0 INIT_00
"0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF" -type string
//set_attribute ram0 INIT_01
"FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210" -type string
//synopsys dc_script_end
assign logic0 = 1’b0;
assign logic1 = 1’b1;
RAMB4_S8 ram0 (.WE(WE), .EN(logic1), .RST(logic0), .CLK(CLK), .ADDR(ADDR), .DI(DIN),
//synopsys translate_off
defparam ram0.INIT_00 =
defparam ram0.INIT_01 =
//synopsys translate_on
Using SelectI/O
The Virtex-E FPGA series includes a highly configurable,
high-performance I/O resource, called SelectI/O to pro-
vide support for a wide variety of I/O standards. The
SelectI/O resource is a robust set of features including pro-
grammable control of output drive strength, slew rate, and
input delay and hold time. Taking advantage of the flexibility
and SelectI/O features and the design considerations
described in this document can improve and simplify sys-
tem level design.
As FPGAs continue to grow in size and capacity, the larger
and more complex systems designed for them demand an
increased variety of I/O standards. Furthermore, as system
clock speeds continue to increase, the need for high perfor-
mance I/O becomes more important.
While chip-to-chip delays have an increasingly substantial
impact on overall system speed, the task of achieving the
desired system performance becomes more difficult with
the proliferation of low-voltage I/O standards. SelectI/O, the
revolutionary input/output resources of Virtex-E devices,
resolve this potential problem by providing a highly configu-
rable, high-performance alternative to the I/O resources of
more conventional programmable devices. Virtex-E SelectI/O
features combine the flexibility and time-to-market advan-
tages of programmable logic with the high performance pre-
viously available only with ASICs and custom ICs.
Each SelectI/O block can support up to 20 I/O standards.
Supporting such a variety of I/O standards allows the sup-
port of a wide variety of applications, from general purpose
standard applications to high-speed low-voltage memory
SelectI/O blocks also provide selectable output drive
strengths and programmable slew rates for the LVTTL out-
put buffers, as well as an optional, programmable weak
pull-up, weak pull-down, or weak “keeper” circuit ideal for
use in external bussing applications.
Each Input/Output Block (IOB) includes three registers, one
each for the input, output, and 3-state signals within the
IOB. These registers are optionally configurable as either a
D-type flip-flop or as a level sensitive latch.
The input buffer has an optional delay element used to guar-
antee a zero hold time requirement for input signals regis-
tered within the IOB.
The Virtex-E SelectI/O features also provide dedicated
resources for input reference voltage (VREF) and output
source voltage (VCCO), along with a convenient banking
system that simplifies board design.
By taking advantage of the built-in features and wide variety
of I/O standards supported by the SelectI/O features, sys-
tem-level design and board design can be greatly simplified
and improved.