FR (Software Reset) Command
<Special> The FR command is used to force a
software reset on the RF module. The reset simu-
lates powering off and then on again the module.
GT (Guard Times) Command
<AT Command Mode Options> GT Command is
used to set the DI (data in from host) time-of-
silence that surrounds the AT command sequence
character (CC Command) of the AT Command
Mode sequence (GT + CC + GT).
The DI time-of-silence is used to prevent inad-
vertent entrance into AT Command Mode.
Refer to the Command Mode section for more
information regarding the AT Command Mode Sequence.
HV (Hardware Version) Command
<Diagnostics> The HV command is used to read
the hardware version of the RF module.
IA (I/O Input Address) Command
<I/O Settings {I/O Line Passing}> The IA com-
mand is used to bind a module output to a spe-
cific address. Outputs will only change if received
from this address. The IA command can be used
to set/read both 16 and 64-bit addresses.
Setting all bytes to 0xFF will not allow the recep-
tion of any I/O packet to change outputs. Setting
the IA address to 0xFFFF will cause the module to
accept all I/O packets.
IC (DIO Change Detect) Command
<I/O Settings> Set/Read bitfield values for
change detect monitoring. Each bit enables moni-
toring of DIO0 - DIO7 for changes.
If detected, data is transmitted with DIO data
only. Any samples queued waiting for transmis-
sion will be sent first.
Refer to the ADC and Digital I/O Line Support sections of the RF Module Operations chapter for
more information.
ID (Pan ID) Command
<Networking {Addressing}> The ID command is
used to set and read the PAN (Personal Area Net-
work) ID of the RF module. Only modules with
matching PAN IDs can communicate with each
other. Unique PAN IDs enable control of which RF
packets are received by a module.
Setting the ID parameter to 0xFFFF indicates a global transmission for all PANs. It does not indi-
cate a global receive.
AT Command: ATFR
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80
AT Command: ATGT
Parameter Range:2 - 0x0CE4
[x 1 millisecond]
Default Parameter Value:0x3E8
(1000 decimal)
Related Command: CC (Command Sequence
AT Command: ATHV
Parameter Range:0 - 0xFFFF [Read-only]
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80
AT Command: ATIA
Parameter Range:0 - 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Default Parameter Value:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
(will not allow any received I/O packet to
change outputs)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.xA0
AT Command: ATIC
Parameter Range:0 - 0xFF [bitfield]
Default Parameter Value:0 (disabled)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: 1.xA0
AT Command: ATID
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF
Default Parameter Value:0x3332
(13106 decimal)