User’s Manual U12697EJ4V1UD
(1) Carry flag (CY)
This is the flag that stores the carry or borrow of an operation result.
When a shift rotate instruction is executed, the shifted out value is stored. When a bit manipulation instruction
is executed, this flag functions as the bit accumulator.
The CY flag state can be tested by a conditional branch instruction.
(2) Parity/overflow flag (P/V)
The P/V flag has the following two actions in accordance with the execution of the operation instruction.
The state of the P/V flag can be tested by a conditional branch instruction.
Parity flag action
The results of executing the logical instructions, shift rotate instructions, and CHKL and CHKLA instructions
are set to 1 when an even number of bits is set to 1. If the number of bits is odd, the result is reset to 0. However,
for 16-bit shift instructions, the parity flag from only the lower 8 bits of the operation result is valid.
Overflow flag action
The result of executing an arithmetic operation instruction is set to 1 only when the numerical range expressed
in two’s complement is exceeded. Otherwise, the result is reset to 0. Specifically, the result is the exclusive
OR of the carry from the MSB and the carry to the MSB and becomes the flag contents. For example, in 8-
bit arithmetic operations, the two’s complement range is 80H (–128) to 7FH (+127). If the operation result
is outside this range, the flag is set to 1. If inside the range, it is reset to 0.
Example The action of the overflow flag when an 8-bit addition instruction is executed is described next.
When 78H (+120) and 69H (+105) are added, the operation result becomes E1H (+225). Since the
upper limit of two’s complement is exceeded, the P/V flag is set to 1. In a two’s complement expression,
E1H becomes –31.
78H (+120) =
0111 1000
+) 69H (+105) = +) 0110 1001
01110 0001 = –31 P/V = 1
Next, since the operation result of the addition of the following two negative numbers falls within the
two’s complement range, the P/V flag is reset to 0.
FBH (–5)
1111 1011
+) F0H (–16)
= +) 1111 0000
11110 1011 = –21 P/V = 0