User’s Manual U14492EJ5V0UD
(b) Control mode
PCS0 to PCS7 can be set to port or control mode in 1-bit units using PMCCS.
(i) CS0 to CS7 (Chip select) … Output
This is the chip select signal for external SRAM, external ROM, or external peripheral I/O.
The signal CSn is assigned to memory block n (n = 0 to 7).
This is active for the period during which a bus cycle that accesses the corresponding memory block
is activated.
It is inactive in an idle state (TI).
(9) PDH0 to PDH7 (Port DH) … I/O
Port DH is an 8-bit I/O port in which input or output can be set in 1-bit units.
Besides functioning as a port, in control mode (external expansion mode), these operate as the address bus
(A16 to A23) for when memory is expanded externally.
An operation mode of port or control mode can be selected for each bit and specified by the port DH mode
control register (PMCDH).
(a) Port mode
PDH0 to PDH7 can be set to input or output in 1-bit units using the port DH mode register (PMDH).
(b) Control mode
PDH0 to PDH7 can be used as A16 to A23 by using PMCDH.
(i) A16 to A23 (Address) … Output
This pin outputs the upper 8-bit address of the 24-bit address in the address bus on an external
(10) PDL0 to PDL7 (Port DL) … I/O
Port DL is a 16-bit I/O port in which input or output can be set in 1-bit units.
Besides functioning as a port, in control mode (external expansion mode), these operate as the address/data
bus (AD0 to AD15) for when memory is expanded externally.
An operation mode of port or control mode can be selected for each bit and specified by the port DL mode
control register (PMCDL).
(a) Port mode
PDL0 to PDL15 can be set to input or output in 1-bit units using the port DL mode register (PMDL).
(b) Control mode
PDL0 to PDL15 can be used as AD0 to AD15 by using PMCDL.
(i) AD0 to AD15 (Address/data bus) … I/O
This is a multiplexed bus for an address or data on an external access. When used for an address
(T1 state) they are 24-bit address output pins A0 to A15, and when used for data (T2, TW, T3) they
are 16-bit data I/O bus pins.
(11) TO000 to TO005 (Timer output) … Output
These pins output the pulse signal of timer 00.