User’s Manual U14492EJ5V0UD
2.3 Description of Pin Functions
(1) P00 to P07 (Port 0) … Input
Port 0 is an 8-bit input-only port in which all pins are fixed for input.
Besides functioning as an input port, in control mode, P00 to P07 operate as NMI input, timer/counter output
stop signal input, external interrupt request input, and A/D converter (ADC) external trigger input. Normally, if
function pins also serve as ports, one mode or the other is selected using a port mode control register.
However, there is no such register for P00 to P07. Therefore, the input port cannot be switched with the NMI
input pin, timer/counter output stop signal input pin, external interrupt request input pin, and A/D converter
(ADC) external trigger input pin. Read the status of each pin by reading the port.
(a) Port mode
P00 to P07 are input-only.
(b) Control mode
P00 to P07 also serve as NMI, ESO0, ESO1, ADTRG0, ADTRG1, and INTP0 to INTP6 pins, but they
cannot be switched.
(i) NMI (Non-maskable interrupt request) … Input
This is non-maskable interrupt request input.
(ii) ESO0, ESO1 (Emergency shut off) … Input
These pins input timer 00 and timer 01 output stop signals.
(iii) INTP0 to INTP6 (External interrupt input) … Input
These are external interrupt request input pins.
(iv) ADTRG0, ADTRG1 (A/D trigger input) … Input
These are A/D converter external trigger input pins.
(2) P10 to P15 (Port 1) … I/O
Port 1 is a 6-bit I/O port in which input or output can be set in 1-bit units.
Besides functioning as an I/O port, in control mode, P10 to P15 operate as timer/counter I/O and external
interrupt request input.
An operation mode of port or control mode can be selected for each bit and specified by the port 1 mode
control register (PMC1).
(a) Port mode
P10 to P15 can be set to input or output in 1-bit units using the port 1 mode register (PM1).
(b) Control mode
P10 to P15 can be set to port or control mode in 1-bit units using PMC1.
(i) TO10, TO11 (Timer output) … Output
These pins output timer 10 and timer 11 pulse signals.
(ii) TIUD10, TIUD11 (Timer count pulse input) … Input
These are external count clock input pins to the up/down counter (timer 10, timer 11).