User’s Manual U16541EJ4V0UD
(2) Releasing STOP mode by reset
The same operation as the normal reset operation is performed.
Table 24-9. Operating Status in STOP Mode
Setting of STOP Mode
Operating Status
When Subclock Is Not Used
When Subclock Is Used
Main clock oscillator
Stops oscillation
Subclock oscillator
Oscillation enabled
Internal oscillator
Oscillation enabled
Stops operation
Stops operation
Stops operation
Interrupt controller
Stops operation
ROM correction
Stops operation
Timer P (TMP0 to TMP5)
Stops operation
Timer Q (TMP0)
Stops operation
Timer M (TMM0)
Operable when fR/8 is selected as the
count clock
Operable when fR/8 or fXT is selected as
the count clock
Watch timer
Stops operation
Operable when fXT is selected as the
count clock
Watchdog timer 2
Operable when fR is selected as the
count clock
Operable when fR or fXT is selected as
the count clock
Operable when the SCKBn input clock is selected as the count clock (n = 0 to 4)
2C00 to I2C02
Stops operation
Serial interface
Stops operation (but UARTA0 is operable when the ASCKA0 input clock is selected)
CAN controller
Stops operation
IEBus controller
Stops operation
A/D converter
Stops operation (conversion result undefined)
Notes 1, 2
D/A converter
Stops operation
Notes 3, 4 (high impedance is output)
Real-time output function (RTO)
Stops operation (output held)
Key interrupt function (KR)
CRC arithmetic circuit
Stops operation
External bus interface
See 2.2 Pin States.
Port function
Retains status before STOP mode was set
Internal data
The CPU registers, statuses, data, and all other internal data such as the contents of
the internal RAM are retained as they were before the STOP mode was set.
Notes 1. If the STOP mode is set while the A/D converter is operating, the A/D converter is automatically stopped
and starts operating again after the STOP mode is released. However, in that case, the A/D conversion
results after the STOP mode is released are invalid. All the A/D conversion results before the STOP
mode is set are invalid.
2. Even if the STOP mode is set while the A/D converter is operating, the power consumption is reduced
equivalently to when the A/D converter is stopped before the STOP mode is set.
3. If the STOP mode is set while the D/A converter is operating, the D/A converter is automatically stopped
and the pin status becomes high impedance.
After the STOP mode is released, D/A conversion
resumes, the setting time elapses, and the status returns to the output level before the STOP mode was
4. Even if the STOP mode is set while the D/A converter is operating, the power consumption is reduced
equivalently to when the D/A converter is stopped before the STOP mode is set.