Appendix C
Little-Endian and Big-Endian Data Formats
It is commonly known in the computer industry that there are two different formats for memory configuration:
little-endian (Intel microprocessor format) and big-endian (Motorola microprocessor-based format). When
the Texas Instruments programmable pixel bus was introduced on the TLC34075 video interface palette,
it allowed little-endian-based graphics-board manufacturers to design a single graphics board that could be
programmed to support multiple resolutions and pixel depths. The connection of the pixel bus from the video
RAM to the palette device was not a problem until big-endian-based customers desired the same capability
to program their graphics designs from 1 bit/pixel (bpp), 2 bpp, 4 bpp, 8 bpp, 12 bpp, 16 bpp, 24 bpp, to
32 bpp.
For this reason, the TVP3025 video interface palette supports both little- and big-endian data formats on
its pixel-bus/frame-buffer interface. The device defaults to little-endian mode at reset (general-control
register bit 3 set to logic 0) to be compatible with most PC-based systems. Big-endian-mode operation can
be achieved by configuring the device to the big-endian mode (general-control register bit 3 set to logic 1)
and externally reverse wiring the pixel bus from video RAM to TVP3025 on the graphics board.
The differences between the big-endian and little-endian data formats are illustrated in Figure C–1. The
figure shows that the data fields representing the individual pixels in the big-endian format are in the reverse
order of the little-endian format. Since the TVP3025 VIP always shifts data from low-numbered data fields
to high-numbered data fields, external swapping of the pixel bus (i.e., D63 connected to P0, D0 connected
to P63) ensures that the pixels are displayed on the monitor in the correct sequence. However, swapping
the big-endian pixel bus causes the bits within each data field to be reversed (i.e., MSB to LSB instead of
LSB to MSB). When general-control register bit 3 is set to a logic 1, unique circuitry within the TVP3025
corrects the bit sequence in each data field as it is shifted into the part. This correction is bit-plane
independent and occurs regardless of whether 8, 4, 2, or 1 bits/pixel are being used.
TVP3025 also supports 12-, 16-, and 24-bit true-/direct-color for both little- and big-endian data formats on
the pixel bus. By using the same wiring for big-endian operation as described above, all true-/direct-color
modes are made available without hardware modification. Tables 2–8 through 2–11 give the true-/direct-
color bit definitions for all modes. For example, when in one of the 16-bit true-color modes (big-endian), the
first RGB data word to be displayed is located in bits 48–63 of VRAM. Swapping the external pixel bus when
designing the graphics board ensures the correct display sequence by causing the first RGB word to appear
at pixel bus inputs P0–P15. However, the bit order within the word is reversed. When general-control
register bit 3 is set to a logic 1, the bit sequence is automatically corrected by circuitry within the TVP3025.