The TVP3025 provides user-programmable reference clock (RCLK), shift clock (SCLK), and video clock
(VCLK) outputs that can be set as divisions of the dot clock. RCLK is a continuously running reference clock
that can be selected as divisions of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 of the dot clock (see Table 2–7). It is provided
as a clock reference and is typically connected back to the LCLK input to latch pixel-port data or to the
graphics controller to provide pixel data and latch timing. Since pixel-port data is latched on the rising edge
of LCLK, the RCLK frequency must be set as a function of the desired multiplexing ratio (that depends on
the pixel bus width and number of bit planes). See Section 2.3.8 and Table 2–8.
Output Clock Selection: RCLK, SCLK, VCLK
SCLK is the same as RCLK but disabled during the blank active period. SCLK is designed to be used as
the shift clock to interface directly with the VRAM. If SCLK is not used, the output can be switched off and
held low to protect against VRAM lockup due to invalid SCLK frequencies. The detailed SCLK control timing
is discussed in Section and illustrated in Figures 2–3 through 2–5.
VCLK is a general purpose clock that can be selected as divisions of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 of the dot clock
and can also be held at logic 1 (see Table 2–7). In some systems it can used to generate graphics system
control signals (SYSBL, SYSHS, and SYSVS). In this case, it can also be used internally to latch the video
control signals into the TVP3025. The default setup is VCLK held at logic 1 since it is not used in VGA
pass-through mode.
Internally, RCLK, SCLK, and VCLK are generated from a common clock counter that is counted at the rising
edge of the pixel clock as shown in Figure 2–2. VCLK can be programmed to the opposite phase by setting
miscellaneous-control register bit 5 to logic 1. The internal clock counter is initialized any time the output-
clock-selection register is written with 3F (hex). This provides a simple mechanism to provide a known phase
relationship for the various system clocks. Therefore, when VCLK is enabled, it is naturally in phase with
RCLK and SCLK as shown in Figure 2–2.
The TVP3020 mode reset default divide ratio for RCLK is 64:1 with SCLK held at logic 0 and VCLK held
at logic 1.
When VCLK is used to latch sync and blank, some precautions must be observed when choosing certain
video timing parameters if the selected RCLK frequency is less than the selected VCLK frequency. Refer
to Appendix B for a more detailed discussion.
(DOTCLK/4 as an example)
(DOTCLK/2 as an example)
Figure 2–2. DOTCLK/VCLK/RCLK/SCLK Relationship