Product Brief
September 2000
Clock Synthesizer and Protection Switch
Fully-integrated clock synthesis
Clock or sync protection switching
Fast, autonomous switching with software-override
Supports a wide choice of SONET/SDH/ATM
output clock frequencies:
622.08 MHz
155.52 MHz
51.84 MHz
44.736 MHz
34.368 MHz
32.768 MHz
19.44 MHz
16.384 MHz
4.096 MHz
2.43 MHz
1.544 MHz
77.76 MHz
38.88 MHz
24.704 MHz
8.192 MHz
2.048 MHz
Supports multiple input clock frequencies:
51.84 MHz
38.88 MHz
8.192 MHz
6.48 MHz
1.544 MHz
8 kHz
19.44 MHz
2.048 MHz
Generates sync outputs at 8 kHz aligned to an
8 kHz input clock/sync
Locks to backup reference clock if both working
and protection reference clocks are lost
Compatible with Lucent Technologies TTRN012G5
2.5 Gbits/s MUX/Synthesizer, TDAT042G5/
TADM042G5 SONET/ATM/POS devices,
TSOT0410G, and TMXF28155 Super Mapper
Single 3.3 V supply
Supports multiple output levels: CMOS, LVPECL,
SONET/SDH and PDH add/drop multiplexers
SONET/SDH and PDH cross connects
ATM and packet over SONET switches and routers
SONET/SDH and PDH test equipment
Remote access servers
The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group
TSWC01622 is designed for a wide variety of syn-
chronous timing applications. It serves as a clock
synthesizer and low-skew clock fanout device gener-
ating clocks at frequencies up to 622.08 MHz that are
synchronized to the system reference clock. It also
serves as an intelligent clock protection switch with
fast, autonomous selection based on the presence of
the two input clocks. Alternatively, clock switching
can be controlled entirely through a software inter-
The TSWC01622 also delivers an output sync signal
that is aligned to the input clock. If 8 kHz system sync
signals are applied as the clock A and clock B inputs,
the TSWC01622 will generate an output sync signal
that is phase-aligned to the selected input sync. A
programmable phase offset is provided to allow the
user to offset the output sync relative to the input
sync. The output sync can be used for global align-
ment of cells or frames in SONET/SDH/PDH cross
connects or ATM switch applications. The device
allows flexible choices of LVDS, LVPECL, or CMOS
input and output levels.
The TSWC01622 is intended for clock distribution
and protection switching on a line card, a switch
card, or a shelf timing card. Along with the wide vari-
ety of input and output frequencies, a unique feature
of the device is a guaranteed correct number of out-
put clock cycles between output sync pulses before,
during, and after a clock selection switching event.
The number of clock cycles between sync pulses
remains correct even during a switch between work-
ing and protection clock sources that have an arbi-
trary phase relationship between them. The
TSWC01622 also solves the skew problem associ-
ated with timing distribution over cable or backplane
traces of different lengths.
The block diagram is shown on the next page. Note
that the diagram is representative of device function-
ality and conceptual signal flow. Internal implementa-
tion details may be different than shown.