Definition of Terms
Rated Functioning Temperature
Rated functioning temperature is the operating temperature of thermal cutoffs, measured using
the method specified in the safety standard. In present E.A.M.C. (Electrical Appliance and Material
Control) Law of J apan, Valid until J une 2001, the operation should be within the specified oper-
ating temperature range of
7C. In various standards such as UL, CSA, VDE, BEAB and new
E.A.M.C. Low of J apan, which comply with the IEC standard, it is called the rated functioning
temperature, and should operate within the prescribed temperature range of +0/–10 C.
It is represented by the symbol T
in the UL standard, and by the symbol Tf in the CSA, VDE and
BEAB and new E.A.M.C. standards.
In SEFUSE, a temperature that complies with both standards is set as the rated functioning
temperature, and is indicated on the body of the thermal cutoff.
Operating Temperature
Operating temperature is the actual operating temperature range when the thermal cutoff is
made to operate inside a constant temperature oven whose temperature is raised at the rate of
1 C/min. while a detection current of 100 mA or lower is applied.
The operating temperature is a standard set by NEC and is not specified by a safety standard.
, Th, Tc (Holding Temperature)
Holding temperature is the maximum temperature at which, when applying a rated current to
the thermal cutoff, the state of conductivity is not changed during specified time not hess than
168 hours (1 week).
It is represented by the symbol T
in the UL standard, Th in the CSA standard, and Tc in the VDE,
BEAB and new E.A.M.C. standards.
, Tm (Maximum Temperature Limit)
Maximum temperature limit is the temperature up to which thermal cutoffs will not change its
state of cutoff without impairing.
It is represented by the symbol T
in the UL standard and by Tm in the CSA, VDE, BEAB and new
E.A.M.C. standards.
Rated Current
Reted current is the maximum current that thermal cutoffs allow to carry and are able to cutoff
the circuit in safety.
Rated Voltage
Reted voltage is the maximum voltage that is allowed to apply to the circuit in wich the thermal
cutoff is used.