Digital Interface
Slave Address
Repeated If More Bytes Are Transferred
Signal from
Signal from
Stop Condition
or Repeated
Start Condition
SBAS454 – DECEMBER 2008 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
The TSC2003 supports the I2C serial bus and data transmission protocol in all three defined modes: standard,
fast, and high-speed. A device that sends data onto the bus is defined as a transmitter, and a device receiving
data as a receiver. The device that controls the message is called a master. The devices that are controlled by
the master are slaves. The bus must be controlled by a master device which generates the serial clock (SCL),
controls the bus access, and generates the Start and Stop conditions. The TSC2003 operates as a slave on the
I2C bus. Connections to the bus are made via the open-drain I/O lines SDA and SDL.
The following bus protocol has been defined, as shown in
Figure 11:
Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy.
During data transfer, the data line must remain stable whenever the clock line is high. Changes in the data
line while the clock line is high are interpreted as control signals.
Figure 11. I2C Bus Protocol
Accordingly, the following bus conditions have been defined:
Bus Not Busy: Both data and clock lines remain high.
Start Data Transfer: A change in the state of the data line, from high to low, while the clock is high defines a
Start condition.
Stop Data Transfer: A change in the state of the data line, from low to high, while the clock line is high defines a
Stop condition.
Data Valid: The state of the data line represents valid data when, after a Start condition, the data line is stable
for the duration of the high period of the clock signal. There is one clock pulse per bit of data.
Each data transfer is initiated with a Start condition and terminated with a Stop condition. The number of data
bytes transferred between Start and Stop conditions is not limited, and is determined by the master device. The
information is transferred byte-wise, and each receiver acknowledges with a ninth-bit.
Within the I2C bus specifications, a standard mode (100-kHz clock rate), a fast mode (400-kHz clock rate), and a
high-speed mode (3.4-MHz clock rate) are defined. The TSC2003 works in all three modes.
Acknowledge: Each receiving device, when accessed, is obliged to generate an acknowledge after the
reception of each byte. The master device must generate an extra clock pulse, which is associated with this
acknowledge bit.
A device that acknowledges must pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse in such a way that
the SDA line is stable low during the high period of the acknowledge clock pulse. Of course, setup and hold
times must be taken into account. A master must signal an end of data to the slave by not generating an
acknowledge bit on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In this case, the slave must leave the
data line high to enable the master to generate the Stop condition.
Copyright 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated