HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443
key features
The TMS370 family is based on a register-to-register architecture that allows access to a register file (up to
256 bytes) in a single bus cycle. On-chip memory includes program memory (mask ROM or EPROM), static
RAM, standby RAM, and data EEPROM.
The versatile on-chip peripheral functions include an analog-to-digital converter (ADC1, ADC2, or ADC3), a
serial communications interface (SCI1 or SCI2), a serial peripheral interface (SPI), three different timer modules
(T1, T2A, and T2B), and up to 55 digital input/output (I/O) pins. The number and type of peripheral functions
(modules) is dependent on the TMS370 subfamily.
The following are key features of the TMS370 device family (not all features are available for all devices):
Compatibility for supporting software migration between current and future microcontrollers
CMOS EPROM technology for providing reprogrammable EPROM and one-time programmable (OTP)
program memory for prototypes and for small-volume or quick-turn production
CMOS EEPROM technology for providing EEPROM programming with a single 5-V supply
ADC technology for converting analog signals to digital values
Static RAM/register file registers that offer numerous memory options
Standby RAM that offers data protection in power-off condition
Programmable (asynchronous and isosynchronous
) built-in serial communications interface for control of
timing, data format, and protocol
Serial peripheral interface for providing single-mode synchronous data transmission from the CPUs to any
external peripheral devices
Flexible operating features:
Power-reduction-standby and halt modes
Temperature options:
C to 70
C operating temperature (L)
C to 85
C operating temperature (A)
C to 105
C operating temperature (T)
Input clock frequency options:
Divide-by-4 ( 0.5 MHz to 5 MHz SYSCLK ) standard oscillator
Divide-by-1 ( 2 MHz to 5 MHz SYSCLK) phase-locked loop (PLL)
Operating voltage range:
5 V +10%
Flexible interrupt handling for design flexibility:
Two programmable interrupt levels
Programmable rising-edge or falling-edge detect
System integrity features that increase flexibility during the software development phase:
Oscillator fault detection
Privileged mode lockout
Watchdog timer
Memory security (for ROM)
Isosynchronous = isochronous