Final Data Sheet
V4.2, 2003-08-29
TLE 6244X
1.10 VDD-Monitoring
The VDD-monitoring generates a low“ signal at the bidirectional pin ABE if the 5V supply volt-
age at pin VDD is out of the permissible range of 4.5V...5.5V. On ABE = low the power stages of
TLE6244X are switched off. Exception: OUT8 is not switched off in case of parallel control via
IN8 by the VDD monitoring undervoltage threshold, but by a threshold of 3.5V at VDD.
On shorting pin ABE to VDD or UBATT (
36V), the power stages will be switched off in case of
undervoltage or overvoltage at pin VDD in spite of ABE = high.
The behavior of the ABE level on the return of VDD out of the undervoltage range into the cor-
rect range is not configurable. At the transition from undervoltage to normal voltage the signal
at pin ABE goes high after a filtering time is expired. The behavior of the ABE level on the
return of VDD out of the overvoltage range into the correct range is configurable in
STATCON_REG, Bit5. At the transition from overvoltage to normal voltage the signal at pin ABE
goes high either after a filtering time (OV not latched) or after a SPI writing instruction (OV
latched, state after reset).
On undervoltage condition the signal at pin ABE goes high after a filtering time is expired. On
overvoltage condition pin ABE goes high either after a filtering time or after a SPI writing instruc-
tion. Before this SPI instruction is sent to TLE6244X appropriate tests can be carried out by the
If the voltage at pin VDD is below the lower limit or is resp. was above the upper limit, this can
be read out by the SPI instruction RD_STATCON.
VDD-monitoring has
influence on SCON_REGx, MUX_REGx, DIA_REGx, CONFIG and
If output stages are switched off by the internal over-/undervoltage detection or by externally
applying a low signal at the ABE pin, no failure storage (DIAREG1...5) may occur.
Description in Detail:
Description of the Register:
Bit 7
1: Normal operation
0: Test of VDD threshold
Access by controller: read/write
State of reset: 1
Bit 6
1: Testing the lower threshold (if bit 7 = 0)
0: Testing the upper threshold (if bit 7 = 0)
Access by controller: read/write
State of reset: 1
Bit 5
1: ABE latched after overvoltage
0: ABE deactivated immediately after the disappearance of the overvoltage
Access by controller: read/write
State of reset: 1
Bit 2
Reading out the level at pin ABE
Access by controller: read only
Bit 1
1: no undervoltage at pin VDD
0: undervoltage at pin VDD
Access by controller: read only