Copyright 2001-2003 THine Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved 10
THine Electronics, Inc.
Notes to Users:
1. The contents of this data sheet are subject to change without prior notice.
2. Circuit diagrams shown in this data sheet are examples of application. Therefore, please pay sufficient attention
when designing circuits. Even if there are incorrect descriptions, we are not responsible for any problem due to
them. Please note that incorrect descriptions sometimes cannot be corrected immediately if found.
3. Our copyright and know-how are included in this data sheet. Duplication of the data sheet and disclosure to other
persons are strictly prohibited without our permission.
4. We are not responsible for any problems of industrial proprietorship occurring during THC63LVDF84B/
THC63LVDF64B use, except for those directly related to THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B’s structure, manu-
facture or functions. THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B is designed on the premise that it should be used for ordi-
nary electronic devices. Therefore, it shall not be used for applications that require extremely high-reliability (space
equipment, nuclear control equipment, medical equipment that affects people’s lives, etc.). In addition, when using
THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B for traffic signals, safety devices and control/safety units in transportation
equipment, etc., appropriate measures should be taken.
5. We are making the utmost effort to improve the quality and reliability of our products. However, there is a very
slight possibility of failure in semiconductor devices. To avoid damage to social or official organizations, much care
should be taken to provide sufficient redundancy and fail-safe design.
6. No radiation-hardened design is incorporated in THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B.
7. Judgment on whether THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B comes under strategic products prescribed by the For-
eign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law is the user’s responsibility.
8. This technical document was provisionally created during development of THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B, so
there is a possibility of differences between it and the product’s final specifications. When designing circuits using
THC63LVDF84B/THC63LVDF64B, be sure to refer to the final technical documents.
THine Electronics, Inc.
Wakamatsu Bldg, 6F
3-3-6, Nihombashi-Honcho,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023 Japan
Tel: 81-3-3270-0666
Fax: 81-3-3270-0688