fore, capacitive coupling is almost mandatory for qual-
ity audio applications. Choose a capacitor which will
give acceptable low frequency performance for the ap-
Multiple signals may be summed by multiple resis-
tors, just as with an inverting op amp configuration. In
such a case, a single coupling capacitor may be located
next to pin 1 rather than multiple capacitors at the
driven ends of the summing resistors. However, take
care that the capacitor does not act as an antenna for
stray signals.
The output pin (pin 8) is intended to be connected to
a virtual ground node, so that current flowing in it may
be converted to a voltage (see Figures 3, 14, & 15).
Choose the external op amp for good audio perfor-
mance. The feedback resistor should be chosen based
on the desired current-to-voltage conversion constant.
Since the input resistor determines the voltage-to-cur-
rent conversion at the input, the familiar ratio of R
/ R
for an inverting op amp will determine the overall volt-
age gain when the VCA IC is set for 0 dB current gain.
Since the VCA performs best at settings near unity
gain, use the input and feedback resistors to provide
design-center gain or loss, if necessary.
A small feedback capacitor around the output op
amp is necessary to cancel the output capacitance of
the VCA. Without it, this capacitance will destabilize
most op amps. The capacitance at pin 8 is typically
30 pf.
Power Supplies
The positive supply is connected directly to pin 7.
No special bypassing is necessary, but it is good prac-
tice to include a small (~1
f) electrolytic close to the
VCA IC on the PCB. Performance is not particularly de-
pendent on supply voltage. The lowest permissible sup-
ply voltage is determined by the sum of the input and
output currents plus I
, which must be supplied
through the resistor at the top of the core transistors
(see Figure 1) while still allowing enough voltage swing
to bias the internal op amp and the core transistors
themselves. This resistor is approximately 2 k
. Re-
ducing signal currents may help accommodate low
supply voltages.
The highest permissible supply voltage is fixed by
the process characteristics and internal power con-
sumption. +15 V is the nominal limit.
The negative supply terminal is intended to be con-
nected to a resistive current source, which determines
the current available for the core. As mentioned before,
this source must supply the sum of the input and out-
put signal currents, plus the bias to run the rest of the
IC. The minimum value for this current is 430
A over
the sum of the required signal currents. 2.4 mA is rec-
ommended for most pro audio applications where
+15 V supplies are common and headroom is import-
Higher bias levels are of limited value, partly be-
cause the resistor mentioned in the positive supply dis-
cussion must supply all the current devoted to the
core, and partly because the core transistors become
ineffective at logging and antilogging at currents over
1 mA.
Since pin 5 is intended as a current supply, not a
voltage supply, bypassing at pin 5 is not necessary.
Pin 6 is used as a ground reference for the VCA. The
non-inverting input of the internal op amp is con-
nected here, as are various portions of the internal bias
network. It may not be used as an additional input pin.
Voltage Control
The primary voltage-control pin is pin 3. This point
controls gain inversely with applied voltage: positive
voltage causes loss, negative voltage causes gain. As
described on Page 6, the current gain of the VCA is
unity when pin 3 is at 0 V with respect to pins 2 and 4,
and varies with voltage at approximately -6.1 mV/ dB,
at room temperature.
As implied by the equation for A
(at the foot of
Page 4), the gain is sensitive to temperature, in propor-
tion to the amount of gain or loss commanded. The
constant of proportionality is 0.33% of the decibel gain
commanded, per degree Celsius, referenced to 27
K). This means that at 0 dB gain, there is no
change in gain with temperature. However, at -122 mV,
the gain will be +20 dB at room temperature, but will
be 20.66 dB at a temperature 10C lower. The formula
T ,
where E
is in volts, and
T is the difference between
the actual temperature and room temperature (25C).
For most audio applications, this change with tem-
perature is of little consequence. However, if necessary,
it may be compensated by a resistor which varies its
value by .33%/ C. Such parts are available from RCD
Components, Inc, 3301 Bedford St., Manchester, NH,
USA [(603) 669-0054], and KOA/ Speer E lectronics, PO
Box 547, Bradford, PA, 16701 USA [(814)362-5536].
When pin 3 is used for voltage control, pin 2 is con-
nected to ground and pin 4 is used to apply a small
THAT Corporation; 734 Forest Street; Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752; USA
Tel: (508) 229-2500; Fax: (508) 229-2590; Web: http:/ / www.thatcorp.com
Page 8
2150 Series IC VCAs