ST72344xx, ST72345xx
On-chip peripherals
register of the second address byte. It is also cleared by hardware when the peripheral
is disabled (PE=0).
0: No ADD10 event occurred.
1: Master has sent first address byte (header)
Bit 5 = TRA Transmitter/Receiver.
When BTF is set, TRA=1 if a data byte has been transmitted. It is cleared automatically
when BTF is cleared. It is also cleared by hardware after detection of Stop condition
(STOPF=1), loss of bus arbitration (ARLO=1) or when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
0: Data byte received (if BTF=1)
1: Data byte transmitted
Bit 4 = BUSY Bus busy.
This bit is set by hardware on detection of a Start condition and cleared by hardware on
detection of a Stop condition. It indicates a communication in progress on the bus. The
BUSY flag of the I2CSR1 register is cleared if a Bus Error occurs.
0: No communication on the bus
1: Communication ongoing on the bus
Bit 3 = BTF Byte transfer finished.
This bit is set by hardware as soon as a byte is correctly received or transmitted with
interrupt generation if ITE=1. It is cleared by software reading SR1 register followed by
a read or write of DR register. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is
disabled (PE=0).
Following a byte transmission, this bit is set after reception of the acknowledge clock
pulse. In case an address byte is sent, this bit is set only after the EV6 event (See
Figure 69). BTF is cleared by reading SR1 register followed by writing the next byte in
DR register.
Following a byte reception, this bit is set after transmission of the acknowledge clock
pulse if ACK=1. BTF is cleared by reading SR1 register followed by reading the byte
from DR register.
The SCL line is held low while BTF=1.
0: Byte transfer not done
1: Byte transfer succeeded
Bit 2 = ADSL Address matched (Slave mode).
This bit is set by hardware as soon as the received slave address matched with the
OAR register content or a general call is recognized. An interrupt is generated if ITE=1.
It is cleared by software reading SR1 register or by hardware when the interface is
disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is held low while ADSL=1.
0: Address mismatched or not received
1: Received address matched
Bit 1 = M/SL Master/Slave.
This bit is set by hardware as soon as the interface is in Master mode (writing
START=1). It is cleared by hardware after detecting a Stop condition on the bus or a
loss of arbitration (ARLO=1). It is also cleared when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
0: Slave mode
1: Master mode