SP3486/3487DS/12 SP3486/3487 Low Power Quad RS485/422 Line Drivers Copyright 2000 Sipex Corporation
Quad RS485 Drivers:
Model..................................................... Enable/Disable .......................................... Temperature Range ......................................... Package
SP3486CP .......................... Common; active Low and Active High ............................. 0
C to +70
C..................................... 16–pin Plastic DIP
SP3486CT........................... Common; active Low and Active High ............................. 0
C to +70
C.............................................. 16–pin SOIC
SP3486EP ........................... Common; active Low and Active High ........................... –40
C to +85
C .................................. 16–pin Plastic DIP
SP3486ET ........................... Common; active Low and Active High ........................... –40
C to +85
C ........................................... 16–pin SOIC
SP3487CP ............................... One per driver pair; active High ...................................0
C to +70
C..................................... 16–pin Plastic DIP
SP3487CT................................ One per driver pair; active High ...................................0
C to +70
C.............................................. 16–pin SOIC
SP3487EP ................................ One per driver pair; active High ................................ –40
C to +85
C .................................. 16–pin Plastic DIP
SP3487ET ................................ One per driver pair; active High ................................ –40
C to +85
C ........................................... 16–pin SOIC
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C orporation
Please consult the factory for pricing and availability on a Tape-On-Reel option.
Sipex Corporation
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22 Linnell Circle
Billerica, MA 01821
TEL: (978) 667-8700
FAX: (978) 670-9001
e-mail: sales@sipex.com
Sales Office
233 South Hillview Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
TEL: (408) 934-7500
FAX: (408) 935-7600