Rev. 1.61
r N
2.1.2. Linefeed Architecture
The ProSLIC is a low-voltage CMOS device that uses
either an Si3201 linefeed interface IC or low-cost
external components to control the high voltages
required for subscriber line interfaces.
Figure 17 is a
simplified illustration of the linefeed control loop circuit
for TIP or RING and the external components used.
The ProSLIC uses both voltage and current sensing to
control TIP and RING. DC and ac line voltages on TIP
and RING are measured through sense resistors RDC
and RAC. The ProSLIC uses linefeed transistors QP and
QN to drive TIP and RING. QDN isolates the high-voltage
base of QN from the ProSLIC.
The ProSLIC measures voltage at various nodes in
order to monitor the linefeed current. RDC, RSE, and
RBAT provide access to these measuring points. The
sense circuitry is calibrated on-chip to guarantee
2.1.3. Linefeed Operation States
The ProSLIC linefeed has eight states of operation as
shown in
Table 23. The state of operation is controlled
using the Linefeed Control register (direct Register 64).
The open state turns off all currents into the external
bipolar transistors and can be used in the presence of
fault conditions on the line and to generate Open Switch
Intervals (OSIs). TIP and RING are effectively tri-stated
with a dc output impedance of about 150 k
The ProSLIC can also automatically enter the open
state if it detects excessive power being consumed in
the external bipolar transistors.
for more details.
In the forward active and reverse active states, linefeed
circuitry is on, and the audio signal paths are powered
In the forward and reverse on-hook transmission states,
audio signal paths are powered up to provide data
transmission during an on-hook loop condition.
The TIP Open state turns off all control currents to the
external bipolar devices connected to TIP and provides
an active linefeed on RING for ground start operation.
The RING Open state provides similar operation with
the RING drivers off and TIP active.
waveforms onto the line.
2.1.4. Loop Voltage and Current Monitoring
The ProSLIC continuously monitors the TIP and RING
voltages and external BJT currents. These values are
the values that are measured and their associated
registers. An internal A/D converter samples the
measured voltages and currents from the analog sense
circuitry and translates them into the digital domain. The
A/D updates the samples at a rate of 800 Hz. Two
derived values are also reported: loop voltage and loop
current. The loop voltage, VTIP –VRING, is reported as a
1-bit sign, 6-bit magnitude format. For ground start
operation, the reported value is the RING voltage. The
loop current, (IQ1 – IQ2 + IQ5 –IQ6)/2, is reported in a 1-
bit sign, 6-bit magnitude format. In RING open and TIP
open states, the loop current is reported as (IQ1 – IQ2) +
(IQ5 –IQ6).