SHC804 has four COMMON pins (pins 10, 15, 21 and 23)
and all must be tied together and connected to the system
analog common (V
COM) as close to the package as
possible. It is preferable to have a large ground plane
surrounding the sample/hold and have all four common pins
soldered directly to it. Note that the metal case is internally
connected to pin 23; therefore, care must be taken to avoid
a ground loop if the case is allowed to contact the ground
Most digital return currents pass through pin 10. Noise from
the switch-drive circuit may couple directly into the main op
amp summing junction, a very noise-sensitive node. Care
must be taken to insure that no voltage differences occur
between pin 10 and the other common pins. This is the
reason pin 10 must be connected directly to the ground
For the same reason, the logic supply should be kept as free
of noise as possible.
supply lines (pins 24 and 22) are
internally bypassed to common with 0.01
F capacitors. It is
recommended that the user install additional external 0.1
to 1
F tantalum bypass capacitors at each supply pin.
A TTL logic “0” at pin 11 (or a logic “1” at pin 12) switches
the SHC804 into the Sample (track) mode. In this mode, the
device acts as a unity-gain inverting amplifier, the output
following the inverse of the input. A logic “1” at pin 11 (or
a logic “0” at pin 12) will switch the SHC804 into the Hold
mode. The output voltages will be held constant at the value
present when the Hold command is given.
If pin 11 is used, pin 12 must be connected to the DCOM
(pin 10). If pin 12 is used, pin 11 must be tied to V
. Using
the HOLD and HOLD inputs as logic function may ad-
versely affect the charge offset (pedestal). A clean digital
signal (no overshoot) at the HOLD of HOLD inputs will
also reduce charge offset errors. Pins 11 and 12 present less
than one standard TTL load (two LSTTL loads) to the digital
drive circuit.
Throughput Nonlinearity is defined as total Hold mode,
nonadjustable, input to output error caused by charge offset,
gain nonlinearity, droop, feedthrough, and thermal tran-
sients. It is the inaccuracy due to these errors which cannot
be corrected by Offset and Gain adjustments.
Gain Error is the difference between the input and output
voltage magnitude (in the Sample mode) due to the amplifier
gain errors.
Droop Rate is the voltage decay at the output when in the
Hold mode due to storage capacitor and FET switch leakage
current and the input bias current of the output amplifier.
Feedthrough is the amount of output voltage change caused
by an input voltage change when the sample/hold is in the
Hold mode.
Aperture Delay Time is the time required to switch from
Sample to Hold. The time is measured from the 50% point
of the Hold mode control transition to the time at which the
output stops tracking the input.
Aperture Uncertainty Time is the nonrepeatability of aper-
ture delay time.
Acquisition Time is the time required for the sample/hold
output to settle to within a given error band of its final value
when the sample/hold is switched from Hold to Sample.
Charge Offset (Pedestal) is the output voltage change that
results from charge coupled into the Hold capacitor through
the gate capacitance of the switching field effect transistor.
This charge appears as an offset at the output.
Sample-to-Hold Switching Transient is the switching tran-
sient which appears on the output when the sample/hold is
switched from Sample to Hold. Both the magnitude and the
settling time of the transient are specified.
In the Sample (track) mode the circuit acts as a unity-gain
inverting amplifier. In the Hold mode, the capacitor, C
holds the value of the output at the time the unit was
switched to the Hold mode. Additional circuits compensate
for switching transients and provide switch leakage current
cancellation. The amplifier provides high current drive and
low output impedance to external loads.
SHC804 has been internally-trimmed to eliminate the need
for external trim potentiometers for Gain, Offset (in Sample
mode) and Charge Offset (Pedestal). System Gain and Off-
set errors can be adjusted elsewhere in the system, at an
input amplifier preceding the sample/hold, or at an analog-
to-digital converter following the sample/hold.
FIGURE 1. Definition of Acquisition Time, Droop and
Sample-to-Hold Transient.