INT0 ~ INT7 are the interrupt input pins that will be mapped to the dedicated sector according to the
corresponding pin name. These pins are applied with different priority according to the corresponding
pin number when more than 2 pins inputting simultaneously.
OUT0 ~ OUT3 are the general-purpose output signal to either generate the stop signal or to drive the
LED device.
The LED output signal has 3 programming modes: flash mode, DC mode (always ON) , or flash at
different frequencies (2 or 4 Hz).
The address generator generates the proper address to interface with the external EPROM.
The RD signal is normally tied to the OE and CE of EPROM. This signal can also be tied to EA to
isolate the internal data bus for reading the external EPROM data.
The A0~16 bus can decode 128K Bytes of ROM space for maximum speech capacity.
The DI0~7 will connect to the input data bus of external ROM.
TDI will only be activated when testing is in progress. Pull down this pin can switch the INTA and
OUT pins as the data bus to dump the internal test patterns.
RST will be activated to initialize the whole system as a power ON RESET. This must be tied to
VDD with a resistor internally.
The OSCI & OSCO are designed to be connected with a resistor. The operational frequency ranges
around 1 MHz.
VDD can be applied to range from 2.2 to 5.0 V for proper operation.
VSS is normally tied to the system Ground.
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M-SQUARE Technologies Corp.
DataSheet V5.0
The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of M-Square Technologies Corporation and shall not be disclosed, distributed without permission from M-Square.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
DC Supply Voltage..................….........-0.5V to + 6.0V
Input/Output Voltage...........GND -0.5V to VDD + 0.5V
Operating temperature...............…..........-10
C to 60
Storage Temperature..................….......-25
C to 125
Never allow a stress to exceed the values listed under
"Absolute Maximum Ratings", otherwise the device
would suffer from a permanent damage. Nor is a stress at
the listed value be allowed to persist over a period, since
an extended exposure to the absolute maximum rating
condition may also affect the reliability of the device, if
not causing a damage thereof.