S3 is a state in which the processor is powered down, but its
last state is being preserved in IC memory, which is kept on.
Since memory is fast, the computer can quickly come back
up to full operation. However, this state continues to draw
moderate power, due to the memory being kept
S5 is a state in which memory is off, and the last state of the
processor has been written to the hard disk. Since the disk is
slow, the computer takes longer to come back to full operation.
However, since memory is off, this state draws minimal
It is anticipated that only the following state transitions will
occur: S0
S3, S0
S5, S3
S5, S5
S0, and S3
the transition S5
S3 will not occur, as going from save-to-
disk to save-to-memory will not be activated by any
5V Dual Output
The RC5060 controls four separate dual outputs, the first of
which is the 5V dual. This output is intended to run sub-
systems such as the USB ports. A typical application that
would require the use of 5V dual rather than +5V main for a
USB port would be the use of a USB mouse: if the system
needs to be able to awaken from sleep when the mouse is
moved, then the mouse must be powered from dual, because
main power is off.
5V dual is generated by two MOSFET switches, one from
+5V main, the other from +5V standby, as shown in Figures
3 or 4. When main power is present, the first switch is on and
the second off, and the opposite when main power is absent.
Note carefully the polarity of the MOSFET Q5 that delivers
power from the +5V main to the 5V dual: opposite to the
connection of Q6, the source is connected to the +5V main
input, and the drain is connected to the 5V dual output. This
connection must be done this way because of Q5’s body
diode. When +5V main is not present, 5V dual is still on, and
if Q5 were connected with the same polarity as Q6, the dual
voltage would conduct through the body diode of Q5,
attempting to power up the entire +5V main line. It is to
avoid this overload that Q5 must be connected as shown.
The state of the switches is controlled by the SLP_ S3# and
PWROK lines, as shown in Figure 1. When both SLP_ S3#
and PWROK are asserted, the main switch is on, and the
standby switch is off. If either line is de-asserted, the main
switch is off and the standby switch is on.
Note that Q5 and Q6 should be low-gate-voltage type
MOSFETs, with guaranteed operation at 2.7V V
, in order
to ensure full enhancement in worst case. In a typical system,
it is anticipated that full-power current will be about 1A
maximum, and standby current will be about 200mA maxi-
3.3V Dual Output
The 3.3V dual output is intended to power subsystems such
as the computer’s PCI slots. A typical application that would
require the use of 3.3V dual rather than +3.3V main for a
PCI slot would be the use of a modem: if the system needs to
be able to awaken from sleep when the modem receives
incoming data, then that slot must be powered from dual,
because main power is off. Other slots not requiring dual
power can be configured using the control signals.
3.3V dual is generated by two MOSFETs, one from +3.3V
main, the other from +5V standby, as shown in Figures 3 or
4. When main power is present, the MOSFET Q3 is turned
on as a switch, so that input and output are connected
together. When main power is absent, the MOSFET Q4 is
controlled by the RC5060 as a linear regulator, generating a
regulated 3.3V from +5V standby. As with the 5V dual, the
MOSFET Q3 must be connected as shown in the figures, to
avoid back-feed.
The state of the MOSFETs is controlled by the
PWROK lines, as shown in Figure 1. When both
and PWROK are asserted, the main switch is on, and the linear
regulator is off. If either line is de-asserted, the main switch
is off and the linear regulator is on.
Q3 and Q4 as shown in Tables 2 or 3 have different R
ratings. In a typical system, it is anticipated that full-power
current will be about 2.4A maximum, and standby current
will be about 500mA maximum. The difference in maximum
currents means that Q4 can be a less expensive device than Q3.
3.3V SDRAM Output
3.3V SDRAM output is intended to provide power to
SDRAM memory. Most systems will use this power. Those
systems using RAMBUS may also use the SDRAM power,
possibly piped to the same slots, to ensure backward compat-
ibility or even mixed operation of SDRAM with RAMBUS.
3.3V SDRAM is generated by one external MOSFET switch
from +3.3V main, and one linear regulator internal to the
RC5060 from +5V standby, as shown in Figures 3 or 4, and
in the block diagram on the front page. When main power is
present, the MOSFET Ql is turned on as a switch, so that
input and output are connected together. When main power
is absent, the internal linear regulator is on, generating a reg-
ulated 3.3V from +5V standby. As with the other duals, the
MOSFET Ql must be connected as shown in the figures, to
avoid back-feed.
The state of the external MOSFET and the internal linear
regulator is controlled by the
and PWROK lines,
and additionally the SLP_S5# line, as shown in Figure 1.
When SLP_S5# is de-asserted, both the external MOSFET
and the internal linear regulator are off, and there is no out-
put voltage on the 3.3V SDRAM line.