2007 QuickLogic Corporation
Eclipse II Family Data Sheet Rev. Q
Recommended Unused Pin Terminations for Eclipse II Devices
All unused, general purpose I/O pins can be tied to VCC, GND, or HIZ (high impedance) internally using the
Configuration Editor. This option is given in the bottom-right corner of the placement window. To use the
Placement Editor, choose Constraint
> Fix Placement in the Option pull-down menu of SpDE.
The rest of the pins should be terminated at the board level in the manner presented in Table 33.
Table 33: Recommended Unused Pin Terminations
Signal Name
Recommended Termination
a. x represents a number.
In earlier versions, the recommendation for unused PLLOUT pins was that they be connected to
VCC or GND. This was acceptable for Rev. D (and earlier) silicon, including all 0.25 m devices.
For Rev. G (and later) silicon this is not correct. Unused PLLOUT pins should be left unconnected.
Used PLLOUT pins will normally be connected to inputs, but can also be left unconnected. For the
truth table of PLLOUT connections, refer to
b. y represents an alphabetical character.
There is an internal pulldown resistor to GND on this pin. This pin should be tied to GND if it is not
used. For backwards compatibility with Eclipse, it can be tied to VDED or GND. If tied to VDED, it
will draw no more than 20 A per IOCTRL pin due to current through the pulldown resistor.
Any unused clock pins should be connected to VDED or GND.
If a PLL module is not used, then the associated PLLRST<x> must be connected to VDED or GND.
If VCCPLL is grounded, then PLLRST must be grounded also. If VCCPLL is driven by 2.5 V or
3.3 V, PLLRST must be driven by the same voltage.
If an I/O bank does not require the use of the INREF signal the pin should be connected to GND.
Table 34: Recommended PLLOUT Terminations Truth Table
Recommended PLLOUT Termination
Must be left unconnected.
May be left unconnected, or connected to GND. Must not be connected to VCC.