ENABLE (Pin 36)
This is a logic input to the controller that enables or disables the
controller. In the disabled state, no voltage shall be applied to the
motor phases. The disabled state occurs when the Enable input
is greater than 3.5 VDC or is left open; to enable the controller,
this input must be pulled to less than 0.7 VDC. The Enable input
has a 10K pull-up resistor tied to +5 VDC.
VBUS+ (Pins 4, 5 and 6)
The VBUS+ supply is the power source for the motor phases and
is nominally +28 VDC. The normal operating voltage may actu-
ally vary from +18 to +48 VDC with respect to Vbus-. The power
stage MOSFETS in the hybrid have an absolute maximum
VBUS+ Supply voltage rating of 100V. The recommended oper-
ating voltage must not exceed +70 VDC, and is subject to the
safe operating curve within FIGURE 10. The user must supply
sufficient external capacitance or circuitry to prevent the bus
supply from exceeding +70 VDC at the hybrid power terminals
under any conditions.
The VBUS should be applied at least 50 ms after ±15 VDC to
allow the internal analog circuitry to stabilize. If this is not possi-
ble, the hybrid must be powered up in the “disabled” mode.
VBUS- (Pins 11, 12, and 13)
This is the high current ground return for VBUS+. This point
must be externally connected to Ground for proper operation of
the current loop. The voltage difference between Vbus- and the
Ground connections must be less than 0.250 VDC including
SUPPLY GND (Pin 27): This is the return line for the ±15 VDC
supplies. The phase current sensing technique of the
PWR-82520 requires that VBUS- and Supply Ground be con-
nected together externally (see VBUS- supply).
PWM GND (Pin 21): This is used for the return side of the exter-
nal PWM capacitor (Cext) when switching frequencies below
50 KHz are required.
COMMAND GND (Pin 29): This is used when the command
buffer is used single-ended and the COMMAND IN- or COM-
MAND IN+ are tied to COMMAND GND.
HALL GND (Pin 41): This is used for the return of the +15V HALL
supply and should be tied to SUPPLY GROUND.
±15 VDC (+15V Supply, Pin 28 / -15V Supply, Pin 26)
These inputs are used to power the small signal analog and dig-
ital circuitry of the hybrid. An internal +5 VDC supply is derived
from the +15 VDC source. These inputs should not vary more
than ±5%, maximum. The absolute maximum voltage ratings of
these inputs are ±17.5 VDC.
Reversal of the power supplies
will result in destruction of the hybrid.
SYNC IN (Pin 22)
The Sync pulse, as shown in FIGURE 7, can be used to syn-
chronize the switching frequency up to 20% faster than the free
running frequency of all th slave devices.
The PWM frequency from the PWM OUT pin will free-run at a
frequency of 50 kHz ±10 kHz. The user can adjust this frequen-
cy down to 10 kHz through the addition of an external capacitor.
The PWM triangle wave generated internally is brought out to
the PWM OUT pin. This output, or an external triangle waveform
generated by the user, may be connected to PWM IN on the
PWM OUT (Pin 20)
This is the output of the internally generated PWM triangle wave
form. It is normally connected to PWM In. The frequency of this
output may be lowered by connecting an NPO capacitor (Cext)
between PWM OUT and PWM GND. The typical PWM frequen-
cy is determined by the following formula:
CASE (Pin 17)
This pin is internally connected to the hybrid case. In some appli-
cations the user may want to tie Pin 17 to Ground for EMI con-
PHASES A, B, C (Pin A 14-16, B 7-9, C 1-3)
These are the power drive outputs to the motor and switch
between VBUS+ Input and VBUS- Input or become high imped-
ance - see TABLE 3.
This output provides power to the Hall Sensors in the motor.
Maximum current drawn from this supply by the user must not
exceed 50 mA.
WARNING: Never apply power to the hybrid without connect-
ing either PWM OUT or an external triangular wave to PWM IN!
Failure to do so may result in one or more outputs latching on.
330 pF + C