Date:April 2002
Specifications of any and all PROLIFIC products described or contained herein stipulate the performance,
characteristics, and functions of the described products in the independent state, and are not guarantees of the
performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products as mounted in the customer's products or
equipment. To verify symptoms and states that cannot be evaluated in an independent device, the customer should
always evaluate and test devices mounted in the customer's products or equipment.
PROLIFIC Technology Inc. strives to supply high-quality high-reliability products. However, any and all
semiconductor products fail with some probability. It is possible that these probabilistic failures could give rise to
accidents or events that could endanger human lives, that could give rise to smoke or fire, or that could cause
damage to other property. When designing equipment, adopt safety measures so that these kinds of accidents or
events cannot occur. Such measures include but are not limited to protective
circuits and error prevention circuits for safe design, redundant design, and structural design.
In the event that any and all PROLIFIC products described or contained herein fall under strategic products (including
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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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Any and all information described or contained herein are subject to change without notice due to product/technology
improvement, etc. When designing equipment, refer to the Delivery Specification for the PROLIFIC product that you
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Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for
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implied regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
The Power dissipation curve
The power dissipation of the IC depends on the driving current and the ambient
temperature. And it is important to ensure the application’s loading not over the
allowable consumerism of the IC package. The allowable power dissipation
versus temperature is show as follow:
Ambient temperature ,Ta(
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
disipation, Pd max (mW)
Ver. 1.12