To ensure sufficient V
CC, the device issues an internal reset with a time-out delay (tTOUT) after
on page 49 describes the start conditions for the internal reset. The delay (t
TOUT) is timed from
the Watchdog Oscillator and the number of cycles in the delay is set by the SUTn and CKSELn
fuse bits. The available delays are shown in
Table 6-8.Note:
The frequency of the Watchdog Oscillator is voltage and temperature dependent, as shown in
Fig-The main purpose of the delay is to keep the AVR in reset until V
CC has risen to a sufficient level.
The delay will not monitor the actual voltage and, hence, the user must make sure the delay time
is longer than the V
CC rise time. If this is not possible, an internal or external Brown-out Detec-
tion circuit should be used. A BOD circuit ensures there is sufficient V
CC before it releases the
reset line, and the time-out delay can then be disabled. It is not recommended to disable the
time-out delay without implementing a Brown-out Detection circuit.
The oscillator is required to oscillate for a minimum number of cycles before the clock is consid-
ered stable. An internal ripple counter monitors the oscillator output clock, and keeps the internal
reset active for a given number of clock cycles. The reset is then released and the device will
start to execute.
The start-up sequence for the clock includes both the time-out delay and the start-up time when
the device starts up from reset. When starting up from Power-down mode, V
CC is assumed to be
at a sufficient level and only the start-up time is included.
System Clock Prescaler
The ATtiny43U has a system clock prescaler, which means the system clock can be divided as
to lower system clock frequency and decrease the power consumption at times when require-
ments for processing power is low. This can be used with all clock source options, and it will
affect the clock frequency of the CPU and all synchronous peripherals. Clock signals clk
Switching Time
When changing prescaler settings, the System Clock Prescaler ensures that no glitches occurs
in the clock system. It also ensures that no intermediate frequency is higher than either the clock
frequency corresponding to the previous setting or the clock frequency corresponding to the new
setting. The ripple counter of the prescaler runs at the same frequency as the undivided clock,
which may be higher than the CPU's clock frequency. Hence, even if it was readable, it is not
possible to determine the state of the prescaler, and it is not possible to predict the exact time it
takes to switch from one clock division to the other. From the time the CLKPS values are written,
it takes between T1 + T2 and T1 + 2 * T2 before the new clock frequency is active. In this inter-
val, two active clock edges are produced. Here, T1 is the previous clock period, and T2 is the
period corresponding to the new prescaler setting.
Table 6-8.
Number of Watchdog Oscillator Cycles
Typ Time-out (V
CC = 5.0V)
Typ Time-out (V
CC = 3.0V)
Number of Cycles
0 ms
4.1 ms
4.3 ms
65 ms
69 ms
8K (8,192)