DS40139E-page 60
1999 Microchip Technology Inc.
SIMICE Entry-Level Hardware
SIMICE is an entry-level hardware development sys-
tem designed to operate in a PC-based environment
with Microchip’s simulator MPLAB-SIM. Both SIM-
ICE and MPLAB-SIM run under Microchip Technol-
ogy’s MPLAB Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) software. Specifically, SIMICE provides hardware
simulation for Microchip’s PIC12C5XX, PIC12CE5XX,
and PIC16C5X families of PICmicro 8-bit microcon-
trollers. SIMICE works in conjunction with MPLAB-SIM
to provide non-real-time I/O port emulation. SIMICE
enables a developer to run simulator code for driving
the target system. In addition, the target system can
provide input to the simulator code. This capability
allows for simple and interactive debugging without
having to manually generate MPLAB-SIM stimulus
files. SIMICE is a valuable debugging tool for entry-
level system development.
PICDEM-1 Low-Cost PICmicro
Demonstration Board
The PICDEM-1 is a simple board which demonstrates
the capabilities of several of Microchip’s microcontrol-
lers. The microcontrollers supported are: PIC16C5X
(PIC16C54 to PIC16C58A), PIC16C61, PIC16C62X,
PIC16C71, PIC16C8X, PIC17C42, PIC17C43 and
PIC17C44. All necessary hardware and software is
included to run basic demo programs. The users can
program the sample microcontrollers provided with
the PICDEM-1 board, on a PRO MATE II or
PICSTART-Plus programmer, and easily test firm-
ware. The user can also connect the PICDEM-1
board to the MPLAB-ICE emulator and download the
firmware to the emulator for testing. Additional proto-
type area is available for the user to build some addi-
tional hardware and connect it to the microcontroller
socket(s). Some of the features include an RS-232
interface, a potentiometer for simulated analog input,
push-button switches and eight LEDs connected to
Demonstration Board
The PICDEM-2 is a simple demonstration board that
PIC16C73 and PIC16C74 microcontrollers. All the
necessary hardware and software is included to
run the basic demonstration programs. The user
can program the sample microcontrollers provided
with the PICDEM-2 board, on a PRO MATE II pro-
grammer or PICSTART-Plus, and easily test firmware.
The MPLAB-ICE emulator may also be used with the
PICDEM-2 board to test firmware. Additional prototype
area has been provided to the user for adding addi-
tional hardware and connecting it to the microcontroller
socket(s). Some of the features include a RS-232 inter-
face, push-button switches, a potentiometer for simu-
lated analog input, a Serial EEPROM to demonstrate
usage of the I2C bus and separate headers for connec-
tion to an LCD module and a keypad.
Demonstration Board
The PICDEM-3 is a simple demonstration board that
supports the PIC16C923 and PIC16C924 in the PLCC
package. It will also support future 44-pin PLCC
microcontrollers with a LCD Module. All the neces-
sary hardware and software is included to run the
basic demonstration programs. The user can pro-
gram the sample microcontrollers provided with
the PICDEM-3 board, on a PRO MATE II program-
mer or PICSTART Plus with an adapter socket, and
easily test firmware. The MPLAB-ICE emulator may
also be used with the PICDEM-3 board to test firm-
ware. Additional prototype area has been provided to
the user for adding hardware and connecting it to the
microcontroller socket(s). Some of the features include
an RS-232 interface, push-button switches, a potenti-
ometer for simulated analog input, a thermistor and
separate headers for connection to an external LCD
module and a keypad. Also provided on the PICDEM-3
board is an LCD panel, with 4 commons and 12 seg-
ments, that is capable of displaying time, temperature
and day of the week. The PICDEM-3 provides an addi-
tional RS-232 interface and Windows 3.1 software for
showing the demultiplexed LCD signals on a PC. A sim-
ple serial interface allows the user to construct a hard-
ware demultiplexer for the LCD signals.