2002 Aug 16
Philips Semiconductors
Preliminary specification
STN RGB - 384 output column driver
C-bus Hs-mode protocol
The PCF8832 is a slave receiver/transmitter. If data is to
be read from the device, the SDACK pin must be
connected, otherwise SDACK may be unused.
Hs-mode can only commence after the following
START condition (S)
8-bit master code (00001XXX)
Not-acknowledge bit (A).
The master code has two functions, it allows arbitration
and synchronization between competing masters at
code indicates the beginning of an Hs-mode transfer.
In Figs 50 and 51 these conditions are visualized.
As no device is allowed to acknowledge the master code,
the master code is followed by a not-acknowledge (A).
After this A-bit, and the SCL line has been pulled up to a
HIGH level, the active master switches to Hs-mode and
enables at t
the current-source pull-up circuit for the SCL
signal (see Fig.51).
The active master will then send a repeated START
condition (Sr) followed by a 7-bit slave address with a
R/W-bit and receives an acknowledge bit (A) from the
selected slave. After each acknowledge bit (A) or
not-acknowledge bit (A), the active master disables its
current-source pull-up circuit. The active master
re-enables its current source again when all devices have
released and the SCL signal reaches a HIGH level. The
rising of the SCL is done by a resistor pull-up and so is
slower, the last part of the SCL rise time is speeded up
because the current source is enabled. Data transfer only
switches back to F/S-mode after a stop condition (P).
A write sequence after the Hs-mode is selected
(see Fig.53) is initiated with a START condition (S) from
the I
C-bus master and this is followed by the slave
address. All slaves with the corresponding address
acknowledge in parallel, all the others will ignore the
C-bus transfer.
After acknowledgement of a write (W) condition, one or
more command words follow which define the status of the
addressed slaves. A command word consists of a control
byte, which defines CO and D/C, plus a data byte
(see Table 21, Table 22 and Fig.52).
The last control byte is tagged with a cleared most
significant bit, the continuation bit CO. The control and
data bytes are also acknowledged by all addressed slaves
on the bus.
Table 21
Definition of CO
Table 22
Definition of D/C
a series of display data bytes or command data bytes may
follow. If the D/C bit was set to logic 1, these display bytes
are stored in the display RAM at the address specified by
the data pointer. The data pointer is updated automatically
and the data is directed to the intended PCF8832. If the
D/C bit of the last control byte was set to ‘0’, these
command bytes will be decoded and the setting of the
device will be changed according to the received
commands. The acknowledgement after each byte is
made only by the addressed PCF8832. At the end of the
transmission the I
C-bus master issues a STOP
condition (P) and switches back to F/S-mode, however, to
reduce the overhead of the master code, it is possible for
a master to link a number of Hs-mode transfers, separated
by repeated START conditions (Sr).
A read sequence (Fig.53) follows after the Hs-mode is
selected. The PCF8832 will immediately start to output the
requested data until a NOT acknowledge is transmitted by
the master. Before the read access, the user has to set the
D/C bit to the appropriate value by a preceding write
access. The write access should be terminated by a
repeated START condition so that the Hs-mode is not
last control byte to be sent; only a stream of data
bytes are allowed to follow; this stream may only
be terminated by a STOP or RE-START condition
another control byte will follow this control byte
unless a STOP or RE-START condition is
command byte will be decoded and used
to set up the device
command byte of requested ADR will be
data byte will be stored in the display RAM
RAM read-back is not supported