NXP’s I2C peripherals portfolio is grouped into twelve families, one for each of the most common, everyday design
General Purpose Input Output
(GPIO) expanders
Add different types
of inputs and outputs
Sensors and voltage
Digital temperature information
Clocks / RTCs
Digital time and/or calendar
Blinkers, dimmers,
For complete LED
control, including
LCD backlighting
I2C-controlled DIP switches
EEROMs / RAM combined with
general-purpose outputs
Intelligent Stepper Motor
Easy and versatile control
Capacitive Sensor
Switch action without contact
Black-and-white LCD display drivers
Monochrome, character, shapes, dots
Tiny serial ADCs / DACs
Analog control and audio
Bus buffers and
voltage translators
Extenders, hubs, and repeaters
to support extra devices, longer
distances, bus-voltage translation,
or hazardous conditions
Bridge ICs,
bus controllers
Add extra, fully
featured I2C masters
More information
Multiplexers and switches
Add advanced I2C networking
to allow more devices, backup,