Chapter 19 Debug (S12XDBGV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.17
Freescale Semiconductor
Table 19-3. DBGC1 Field Descriptions
Arm Bit
— The ARM bit controls whether the DBG module is armed. This bit can be set and cleared by user
software and is automatically cleared on completion of a tracing session, or if a breakpoint is generated with
tracing not enabled. On setting this bit the state sequencer enters State1. When ARM is set, the only bits in the
DBG module registers that can be written are ARM and TRIG.
0 Debugger disarmed
1 Debugger armed
Immediate Trigger Request Bit
— This bit when written to 1 requests an immediate trigger independent of
comparator or external tag signal status. When tracing is complete a forced breakpoint may be generated
depending upon DBGBRK and BDM bit settings. This bit always reads back a “0”. Writing a “0” to this bit has no
effect. If both TSOURCE bits are clear no tracing is carried out. If tracing has already commenced using BEGIN-
or mid-trigger alignment, it continues until the end of the tracing session as defined by the TALIGN bit settings,
thus TRIG has no affect. In secure mode tracing is disabled and writing to this bit has no effect.
0 Do not trigger until the state sequencer enters the final state.
1 Enter final state immediately and issue forced breakpoint request when trace buffer is full.
XGATE S/W Breakpoint Enable
— The XGSBPE bit controls whether an XGATE S/W breakpoint request is
passed to the CPU. The XGATE S/W breakpoint request is handled by the DBG module, which can request an
CPU breakpoint depending on the state of this bit.
0 XGATE S/W breakpoint request is disabled
1 XGATE S/W breakpoint request is enabled
Background Debug Mode Enable
— This bit determines if a CPU breakpoint causes the system to enter
background debug mode (BDM) or initiate a software interrupt (SWI). It has no affect on DBG functionality.
This bit must be set if the BDM is enabled by the ENBDM bit in the BDM module to map breakpoints to BDM
and must be cleared if the BDM module is disabled to map breakpoints to SWI.
0 Go to software interrupt on a breakpoint
1 Go to BDM on a breakpoint.
DBG Breakpoint Enable Bits
— The DBGBRK bits control whether the debugger will request a breakpoint to
either CPU, XGATE or both upon reaching the state sequencer final state. If tracing is enabled, the breakpoint
is generated on completion of the tracing session. If tracing is not enabled, the breakpoint is generated
immediately. Please refer to
Section 19.4.7, “Breakpoints”
for further details. XGATE generated breakpoints are
independent of the DBGBRK bits. XGATE generates a forced breakpoint to the CPU only. See
Table 19-4
Comparator Register Visibility Bits
— These bits determine which bank of comparator register is visible in the
8-byte window of the DBG module address map, located between 0x0028 to 0x002F. Furthermore these bits
determine which state control register is visible at the address 0x0027. See
Table 19-5
Table 19-4. DBGBRK Encoding
Resource Halted by Breakpoint
No breakpoint generated
XGATE breakpoint generated
CPU breakpoint generated
Breakpoints generated for CPU and XGATE
Table 19-5. COMRV Encoding
Visible Comparator
Visible State Control Register
Comparator A