Appendix E Derivative Differences
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.17
Freescale Semiconductor
Pinout explanations:
A/D is the number of modules/total number of A/D channels.
I/O is the sum of ports capable to act as digital input or output.
144 Pin Packages:
Port A = 8, B = 8, C=8, D=8, E = 6 + 2 input only,
H = 8, J = 7, K = 8, M = 8, P = 8, S = 8, T = 8, PAD = 24
25 inputs provide Interrupt capability (H =8, P= 8, J = 7, IRQ, XIRQ)
112 Pin Packages:
Port A = 8, B = 8, E = 6 + 2 input only, H = 8, J = 4, K = 7, M = 8, P = 8, S = 8, T = 8, PAD = 16
22 inputs provide Interrupt capability (H =8, P= 8, J = 4, IRQ, XIRQ)
80 Pin Packages:
Port A = 8, B = 8, E = 6 + 2 input only, J = 2, M = 6, P = 7, S = 4, T = 8, PAD = 8
11 inputs provide Interrupt capability (P= 7, J = 2, IRQ, XIRQ)
CAN0 can be routed under software control from PM[1:0] to pins PM[3:2] or PM[5:4] or PJ[7:6].
CAN4 pins are shared between IIC0 pins.
CAN4 can be routed under software control from PJ[7:6] to pins PM[5:4] or PM[7:6].
Versions with 4 CAN modules will have CAN0, CAN1, CAN2 and CAN4
Versions with 3 CAN modules will have CAN0, CAN1 and CAN4.
Versions with 2 CAN modules will have CAN0 and CAN4.
Versions with 1 CAN modules will have CAN0
Versions with 2 SPI modules will have SPI0 and SPI1.
Versions with 4 SCI modules will have SCI0, SCI1, SCI2 and SCI4.
Versions with 2 SCI modules will have SCI0 and SCI1.
Versions with 1 IIC module will have IIC0.
SPI0 can be routed to either Ports PS[7:4] or PM[5:2].
SPI1 pins are shared with PWM[3:0]; In 144 and 112-pin versions, SPI1 can be routed under
software control to PH[3:0].
SPI2 pins are shared with PWM[7:4]; In 144 and 112-pin versions, SPI2 can be routed under
software control to PH[7:4]. In 80-pin packages, SS-signal of SPI2 is not bonded out!