Lattice Semiconductor
ORCA ORSO42G5 and ORSO82G5 Data Sheet
Link Header Detector
The Link Header detector determines when the next Link Header is coming in the frame and what the sequence
number contained within it should be. If the value of the cell sequence counter is not equal to the expected value,
then an error ag bit will set in the status registers and an error signal will be sent to the FPGA logic. The sequence
counter will increment to the next sequence number. The sequence count value is NOT updated with the incorrect
value, but is incremented each time a Link Header is received.
If excessive sequence errors are detected (three or more in a row), and the AUTO_REMOVE_[A:B] register bit is
set, then the corresponding link will be treated as not valid. The RX_LINK_GOOD status bit will go low indicating
the link is no longer receiving cells. If the AUTO_REMOVE_[A:B] register bit is not set, then the link is still valid
when excessive sequence errors are detected. An OOF condition will also trigger the link to be removed from ser-
vice if the AUTO_REMOVE_[A:B] register bit is set.
At startup or after a link has been removed from service (indicated by RX_LINK_GOOD going low), a link can be
rejoined into the group. This is performed via the per block REJOIN_[A:B] register bit. When rejoining a link the RX
FIFO will begin receiving cells. To cleanly rejoin a link into a group there are two methods to insure the RX FIFO
begins loading correctly. The rst method is to use the fast framing mode during the rejoin process. The can be
done by setting the FFRM_EN_xx for the links that need to be rejoined before setting the REJOIN_[A:B] bit.
The second method is to issue a block reset to clear the FIFO once all links that have been selected to be rejoined
are rejoined. This is done by rst setting the REJOIN_[A:B] bit. Once the RX_LINK_GOOD status bit is high for the
selected channels the GSWRST_[A:B] for the block should be set and cleared to reset the block. This method will
disturb trafc on all links in the block during the GSWRST_[A:B] reset time.
Once all of the links in a group are rejoined and the trafc is again owing the REJOIN_[A:B] bit should be cleared.
If this bit is not cleared, a link may drop out using the AUTO_REMOVE mode and the channel may be rejoined
incorrectly, causing errors on the entire group.
Receive FIFO
The main clock domain transfer for the data path is handled by the receive FIFO. A 16 x 161 FIFO is used in cell
mode. The FIFO is implemented as a dual-port memory which will support simultaneous reads and writes. The
receive FIFO block is written to at 77.76 MHz and read at 156 MHz.
The receive FIFO can allow for inter-link skew of about 800 ns (16 x 160 = 2560 bits, 400 ps per bit gives 1024 ns).
The 160 LSBs in the memory are received data and the 161st bit indicates the start of a new cell. The FIFO write
control logic indicates to the IPC, the start of a new frame of data. This signal will only be active for the A1 word of
a frame.
Once frame synchronization has occurred and the IPC has responded with a FIFO enable signal, data will be writ-
ten into the memory. Only the payload (cells) is written to the FIFO. The TOH bytes are not written into the FIFO.
The cell octets immediately following the A1A2 bytes will be always written to the top of the FIFO.
Once a full cell has been written to the memory, the write control logic will send a control signal to the IPC8 or IPC2
block which will start the process of reading data from the FIFO. The IPC will read one whole cell at a time from
each of the 8 FIFO blocks, if congured for the eight-link cell mode (ORSO82G5 only) or from each of 2 FIFO
blocks if congured for the two-link cell mode.
A FIFO occupancy counter generates a RX_FIFO_OVRUN indication to the register interface if it detects a FIFO
overow condition. The cell mode allows for alignment of all eight-links or alignment of two-links. Thus there will be
two IPC blocks for two pairs of channels per block.
Input Port Controllers
The input port controllers (IPCs) are the block responsible for “directing trafc” for the receive trafc ow. The block
diagrams for the 2-link and 8-link IPCs are shown in
Figure 44. They provide the following essential functions.
Determining when cell data can be read from the FIFOs of the individual links.