Data Sheet
Zarlink Semiconductor Inc.
14.6.4 PVROUTE2
CPU Address:h173
Accessed by CPU, serial interface (R/W)
14.6.5 PVROUTE3
CPU Address:h174
Accessed by CPU, serial interface (R/W)
14.6.6 PVROUTE4
CPU Address:h175
Accessed by CPU, serial interface (R/W)
Bit [0]:
VLAN Index 8’hD0 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h50
Bit [1]:
VLAN Index 8’hD1 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h51
Bit [2]:
VLAN Index 8’hD2 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h52
Bit [3]:
VLAN Index 8’hD3 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h53
Bit [4]:
VLAN Index 8’hD4 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h54
Bit [5]:
VLAN Index 8’hD5 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h55
Bit [6]:
VLAN Index 8’hD6 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h56
Bit [7]:
VLAN Index 8’hD7 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h57
Bit [0]:
VLAN Index 8’hD8 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h58
Bit [1]:
VLAN Index 8’hD9 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h59
Bit [2]:
VLAN Index 8’hDA has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h5A
Bit [3]:
VLAN Index 8’hDB has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h5B
Bit [4]:
VLAN Index 8’hDC has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h5C
Bit [5]:
VLAN Index 8’hDD has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h5D
Bit [6]:
VLAN Index 8’hDE has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h5E
Bit [7]:
VLAN Index 8’hDF has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h5F
Bit [0]:
VLAN Index 8’hE0 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h60
Bit [1]:
VLAN Index 8’hE1 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h61
Bit [2]:
VLAN Index 8’hE2 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h62
Bit [3]:
VLAN Index 8’hE3 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h63
Bit [4]:
VLAN Index 8’hE4 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h64
Bit [5]:
VLAN Index 8’hE5 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h65
Bit [6]:
VLAN Index 8’hE6 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h66
Bit [7]:
VLAN Index 8’hE7 has router group and the router group is VLAN Index 8’h67