TRA2525, MR3025
Assembly and Soldering Information
There are two basic areas of consideration for successful
implementation of button rectifiers:
1. Mounting and Handling
2. Soldering
Each should be carefully examined before attempting a
finished assembly or mounting operation.
Mounting and Handling
The button rectifier lends itself to a multitude of assembly
arrangements, but one key consideration must always be
included: One Side of the Connections to the Button Must
be Flexible!
This stress relief to the button should also be chosen for
maximum contact area to afford the best heat transfer — but
not at the expense of flexibility. For an annealed copper
terminal a thickness of 0.015
″ is suggested.
Strain Relief Terminal
for Button Rectifier
(Heat Sink Material)
The base heat sink may be of various materials whose
shape and size are a function of the individual application
and the heat transfer requirements.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Low Cost: relatively low heat conductivity
High Cost: high heat conductivity
Medium Cost: medium heat conductivity.
Relatively expensive to plate and not all
platers can process aluminum.
Handling of the button during assembly must be relatively
gentle to minimize sharp impact shocks and avoid nicking
of the plastic. Improperly designed automatic handling
equipment is the worst source of unnecessary shocks.
Techniques for vacuum handling and spring loading should
be investigated.
The mechanical stress limits for the button diode are as
32 lbs.
6inch lbs.
55 lbs.
142.3 Newton
0.68 Newtonsmeters
244.7 Newton
Exceeding these recommended maximums can result in
electrical degradation of the device.
The button rectifier is basically a semiconductor chip
bonded between two nickelplated copper heat sinks with an
encapsulating material of epoxy compound. The exposed
metal areas are also tin plated to enhance solderability.
In the soldering process it is important that the
temperature not exceed 260
°C if device damage is to be
avoided. Various solder alloys can be used for this operation
but two types are recommended for best results:
1. 95% Sn, 5% Sb; melting point 237
2. 96.5% tin, 3.5% silver; melting point 221
3. 63% tin, 37% lead; melting point 183
Solder is available as preforms or paste. The paste
contains both the metal and flux and can be dispensed
rapidly. The solder preform requires the application of a flux
to assure good wetting of the solder. The type of flux used
depends upon the degree of cleaning to be accomplished and
is a function of the metal involved. These fluxes range from
a mild rosin to a strong acid; e.g., Nickel plating oxides are
best removed by an acid base flux while an activated rosin
flux may be sufficient for tin plated parts.
Since the button is relatively lightweight, there is a
tendency for it to float when the solder becomes liquid. To
prevent bad joints and misalignment, it is suggested that a
weighting or spring loaded fixture be employed. It is also
important that severe thermal shock (either heating or
cooling) be avoided as it may lead to damage of the die or
encapsulant of the part.