Bit 3 – FOC1A: Force Output Compare Match 1A
The FOC1A bit is only active when the PWM1A bit specify a non-PWM mode.
Writing a logical one to this bit forces a change in the Waveform Output (OCW1A) and the Out-
put Compare pin (OC1A) according to the values already set in COM1A1 and COM1A0. If
COM1A1 and COM1A0 written in the same cycle as FOC1A, the new settings will be used. The
Force Output Compare bit can be used to change the output pin value regardless of the timer
value. The automatic action programmed in COM1A1 and COM1A0 takes place as if a compare
match had occurred, but no interrupt is generated.
The FOC1A bit always reads zero.
Bit 2 – FOC1B: Force Output Compare Match 1B
The FOC1B bit is only active when the PWM1B bit specify a non-PWM mode.
Writing a logical one to this bit forces a change in the Waveform Output (OCW1B) and the Out-
put Compare pin (OC1B) according to the values already set in COM1B1 and COM1B0. If
COM1B1 and COM1B0 written in the same cycle as FOC1B, the new settings will be used. The
Force Output Compare bit can be used to change the output pin value regardless of the timer
value. The automatic action programmed in COM1B1 and COM1B0 takes place as if a compare
match had occurred, but no interrupt is generated.
The FOC1B bit always reads zero.
Bit 1 – PWM1A: Pulse Width Modulator A Enable
When set (one) this bit enables PWM mode based on comparator OCR1A
Bit 0 – PWM1B: Pulse Width Modulator B Enable
When set (one) this bit enables PWM mode based on comparator OCR1B.
TCCR1B – Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
Bit 7 – PWM1X : PWM Inversion Mode
When this bit is set (one), the PWM Inversion Mode is selected and the Dead Time Generator
outputs, OC1x and OC1x are inverted.
Bit 6 – PSR1 : Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1
When this bit is set (one), the Timer/Counter1 prescaler (TCNT1 is unaffected) will be reset. The
bit will be cleared by hardware after the operation is performed. Writing a zero to this bit will have
no effect. This bit will always read as zero.
Bits 5,4 – DTPS11, DTPS10: Dead Time Prescaler Bits
The Timer/Counter1 Control Register B is a 8-bit read/write register.
Initial value