Timer Counter (Continue)
Timer counter 7 : 16-bit
× 1
Clock source either of system clock, OSC oscillation clock, external clock 1 or external clock 2
frequency-divided into 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/16)
(hardware configuration)
double buffer type compare register
× 2
input capture register
× 1
(timer functions)
square-wave output (timer pulse output), high-precision PWM output (cycle/
duty continuously variable), event count, simple pulse width measurement
function and input capture function
Timer counter 8 : 16-bit
× 1
Clock source either of system clock, OSC oscillation clock, external clock 1 or external clock 2
frequency-divided into 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/16)
(hardware configuration)
double buffer type compare register
× 2
input capture register
× 1
(timer functions)
square-wave output (timer pulse output), PWM output (duty continuously
variable), event count, simple pulse width measurement function and input
capture function
Watchdog timer
Interrupt source runaway detection frequency selection from 1/216, 1/218 and 1/220 of system clock
Serial Interface
Serial 0 : 8-bit
× 1 (full-duplex UART/ synchronous type)
Synchronous type (MSB or LSB first selectable; 1 to 8 bits arbitrary transmission; continuous transmission,
continuous reception and continuous transmission-reception possible by combination with ATC
Transfer clock source 1/2, 1/4 of system clock frequency;
1/2, 1/4, 1/16, 1/32 of OSC oscillation clock frequency;
timer counter 2 to 5 output;
1/3 of frequency of the above clocks
Full-duplex UART (built-in baud rate timer, parity check, overrun error/framing error detection, transfer bit
selectable from 7 and 8 bits)
Serial 1 : 8-bit
× 1 (simple I2C/ synchronous type)
Synchronous type (MSB or LSB first selectable; 1 to 8 bits arbitrary transmission; continuous transmission,
continuous reception and continuous transmission-reception possible by combination with ATC
Transfer clock source: 1/2, 1/4 of system clock frequency;
1/2, 1/4, 1/16, 1/32 of OSC oscillation clock frequency;
timer counter 2 to 5 output;
1/3 of frequency of the above clocks
Simple I2C (I2C transmission function with single master [9-bit transmission])
Serial 2 : 8-bit
× 1 (3-wire synchronous type)
Synchronous type (MSB or LSB first selectable; 1 to 8 bits arbitrary transmission; continuous transmission,
continuous reception and continuous transmission-reception possible by combination with ATC
Transfer clock source 1/2, 1/4 of system clock frequency;
1/2, 1/4, 1/16, 1/32 of OSC oscillation clock frequency;
timer counter 2 to 5 output;
1/3 of frequency of the above clocks
See the next page for electrical characteristics, pin assignment and support tool.