32 K
1 K
LQFP064-P-1414 *Lead-free
Minimum Instruction
Execution Time
s (at 2.7 V to 5.5 V, 8 MHz)
s (at 2.7 V to 5.5 V, 32 kHz)
RESET Watchdog External 0 External 1 External 2 External 3 External 4 Timer 2
Timer 3 Timer 4 Timer 5 Time base Serial 0 Serial 1 Automatic transfer finish
A/D conversion finish Key scan
Timer Counter
Timer counter 2 : 8-bit
× 1 (square-wave/8-bit PWM output, event count, synchronous output event)
Clock source 1/1, 1/4 of system clock frequency; 1/1 of XI oscillation clock frequency;
external clock input
Interrupt source coincidence with compare register 2
Timer counter 3 : 8-bit
× 1
(square-wave output, event count, generation of remote control carrier, serial 0 baud rate timer)
Clock source 1/4, 1/16 of system clock frequency; 1/1 of OSC oscillation clock frequency;
external clock input
Interrupt source coincidence with compare register 3
Timer counter 2, 3 can be cascade-connected.
Timer counter 4 : 16-bit
× 1
(square-wave/16-bit PWM output, event count, synchronous output event, input capture)
Clock source 1/4, 1/16 of system clock frequency; 1/1 of OSC oscillation clock frequency;
external clock input
Interrupt source coincidence with compare register 4
Time base timer (one-minute count setting, independently operable 8-bit timer counter 5)
Clock source 1/4 of system clock frequency; 1/1, 1/8192 of OSC oscillation clock frequency;
1/1, 1/8192 of XI oscillation clock frequency
Interrupt source coincidence with compare register 5; 1/8192 prescaler overflow
Watchdog timer
Interrupt source 1/2097152 of system clock frequency
Serial Interface
Serial 0 : synchronous type/simple UART (half-duplex)
× 1
Clock source 1/2, 1/4, 1/16 of system clock frequency; 1/2 of timer counter 3 frequency
Serial 1 : synchronous type
× 1
Clock source 1/2, 1/8, 1/64 of system clock frequency; 1/2 of timer counter 3 frequency
I/O Pins
Common use : 21 Specified pull-up resistor avaiable Input/output selectable (bit unit)
Output: 18 I/O: 8 P-ch open drain (breakdown voltage
30 V): FL drive: 26
Specified pull-down resistor mask option: 8
High Voltage
A/D Inputs
× 5-ch. (with S/H)
(8 to 16) segments
× (18 to 10) digits
Special Ports
Buzzer output, remote control carrier signal output