REV G 121809
External Components
Series Termination Resistor
Clock output traces over one inch should use series
termination. To series terminate a 50
trace (a commonly
used trace impedance), place a 33
resistor in series with
the clock line, as close to the clock output pin as possible.
The nominal impedance of the clock output is 20
STROBE Pull-up Resistor
In order for the device to start up in the default state, a 250
kOhm pull-up resistor is required.
Decoupling Capacitors
As with any high-performance mixed-signal IC, the
MK1716-01 must be isolated from system power supply
noise to perform optimally.
Decoupling capacitors of 0.01F must be connected
between each VDD and the PCB ground plane.
Crystal Load Capacitors
The device crystal connections should include pads for
small capacitors from X1 to ground and from X2 to ground.
These capacitors are used to adjust the stray capacitance of
the board to match the nominally required crystal load
capacitance. Because load capacitance can only be
increased in this trimming process, it is important to keep
stray capacitance to a minimum by using very short PCB
traces (and no vias) been the crystal and device. Crystal
capacitors must be connected from each of the pins X1 and
X2 to ground.
The value (in pF) of these crystal caps should equal (CL -6
pF)*2. In this equation, CL= crystal load capacitance in pF.
Example: For a crystal with a 16 pF load capacitance, each
crystal capacitor would be 20 pF [(16-6) x 2] = 20.
PCB Layout Recommendations
For optimum device performance and lowest output phase
noise, the following guidelines should be observed.
1) Each 0.01F decoupling capacitor should be mounted on
the component side of the board as close to the VDD pin as
possible. No vias should be used between decoupling
capacitor and VDD pin. The PCB trace to VDD pin should
be kept as short as possible, as should the PCB trace to the
ground via.
2) The external crystal should be mounted just next to the
device with short traces. The X1 and X2 traces should not
be routed next to each other with minimum spaces, instead
they should be separated and away from other traces.
3) To minimize EMI, the 33
series termination resistor (if
needed) should be placed close to each clock output.
4) An optimum layout is one with all components on the
same side of the board, minimizing vias through other signal
MK1716-01 Configuration Capabilities
The architecture of the MK1716-01 allows the user to easily
configure the device to a wide range of output frequencies,
for a given input reference frequency.
The frequency multiplier PLL provides a high degree of
precision. The M/N values (the multiplier/divide values
available to generate the target VCO frequency) can be set
within the range of M = 1 to 2048 and N = 1 to 1024.
The MK1716-01 also provides separate output divide
values, from 2 through 20, to allow the two output clock
banks to support widely differing frequency values from the
same PLL.
Each output frequency can be represented as:
Output Freq. = (Ref. Freq)*(M/N)/Output Divide
Each output clock bank has an separate voltage drive
control pin (VDDIOA and VDDIOB) that sets the output
clock voltage swing.
IDT VersaClock Software
IDT applies years of PLL optimization experience into a user
friendly software that accepts the user’s target reference
clock and output frequencies and generates the lowest jitter,
lowest power configuration, with only a press of a button.
The user does not need to have prior PLL experience or
determine the optimal VCO frequency to support multiple
output frequencies.
VersaClock software quickly evaluates accessible VCO
frequencies with available output divide values and provides
an easy to understand, bar code rating for the target output