DS21952B-page 6
2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
I2C Read Operation
I2C Read operations include the control byte sequence,
as shown in the bottom of
Figure 1-1. This sequence is
followed by another control byte (including the Start
condition and ACK) with the R/W bit set (R/W = 1). The
MCP23017 then transmits the data contained in the
addressed register. The sequence is ended with the
master generating a Stop or Restart condition.
I2C Sequential Write/Read
For sequential operations (Write or Read), instead of
transmitting a Stop or Restart condition after the data
transfer, the master clocks the next byte pointed to by
operation control).
The sequence ends with the master sending a Stop or
Restart condition.
The MCP23017 Address Pointer will roll over to
address zero after reaching the last register address.
SPI Write Operation
The SPI write operation is started by lowering CS. The
Write command (slave address with R/W bit cleared) is
then clocked into the device. The opcode is followed by
an address and at least one data byte.
SPI Read Operation
The SPI read operation is started by lowering CS. The
SPI read command (slave address with R/W bit set) is
then clocked into the device. The opcode is followed by
an address, with at least one data byte being clocked
out of the device.
SPI Sequential Write/Read
For sequential operations, instead of deselecting the
device by raising CS, the master clocks the next byte
regarding sequential operation control).
The sequence ends by the raising of CS.
The MCP23S17 Address Pointer will roll over to
address zero after reaching the last register address.