Chapter 21 Multiplexed External Bus Interface (MEBIV3)
MC9S12HZ256 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.04
Freescale Semiconductor
There are two basic types of operating modes:
1. Normal modes: Some registers and bits are protected against accidental changes.
2. Special modes: Allow greater access to protected control registers and bits for special purposes
such as testing.
A system development and debug feature, background debug mode (BDM), is available in all modes. In
special single-chip mode, BDM is active immediately after reset.
Some aspects of Port E are not mode dependent. Bit 1 of Port E is a general purpose input or the IRQ
interrupt input. IRQ can be enabled by bits in the CPU’s condition codes register but it is inhibited at reset
so this pin is initially configured as a simple input with a pull-up. Bit 0 of Port E is a general purpose input
or the XIRQ interrupt input. XIRQ can be enabled by bits in the CPU’s condition codes register but it is
inhibited at reset so this pin is initially configured as a simple input with a pull-up. The ESTR bit in the
EBICTL register is set to one by reset in any user mode. This assures that the reset vector can be fetched
even if it is located in an external slow memory device. The PE6/MODB/IPIPE1 and PE5/MODA/IPIPE0
pins act as high-impedance mode select inputs during reset.
The following paragraphs discuss the default bus setup and describe which aspects of the bus can be
changed after reset on a per mode basis.
Normal Operating Modes
must first be enabled for some operations by means of a BDM background command, then activated.
Normal Single-Chip Mode
There is no external expansion bus in this mode. All pins of Ports A, B and E are configured as general
purpose I/O pins Port E bits 1 and 0 are available as general purpose input only pins with internal pull
resistors enabled. All other pins of Port E are bidirectional I/O pins that are initially configured as
high-impedance inputs with internal pull resistors enabled. Ports A and B are configured as
high-impedance inputs with their internal pull resistors disabled.
IPIPE0, LSTRB, and R/W while the MCU is in single chip modes. In single chip modes, the associated
control bits PIPOE, LSTRE, and RDWE are reset to zero. Writing the opposite state into them in single
chip mode does not change the operation of the associated Port E pins.
the bus mode to narrow or wide expanded mode and/or turn on visibility of internal accesses.
use for an E clock output while the MCU is in single chip modes would be to get a constant speed clock
for use in the external application system.