MC9S12A256 Device Guide — V01.01
would need to be set before any attempt to write to an external location. If there are no writable resources
in the external system, PE2 can be left as a general purpose I/O pin.
The Port E bit 3 pin can be reconfigured as the LSTRB bus control signal by writing “1” to the LSTRE bit
in PEAR. The default condition of this pin is a general purpose input because the LSTRB function is not
needed in all expanded wide applications.
The Port E bit 4 pin is initially configured as ECLK output with stretch. The E clock output function
depends upon the settings of the NECLK bit in the PEAR register, the IVIS bit in the MODE register and
the ESTR bit in the EBICTL register. The E clock is available for use in external select decode logic or as
a constant speed clock for use in the external application system. Normal Expanded Narrow Mode
This mode is used for lower cost production systems that use 8-bit wide external EPROMs or RAMs. Such
systems take extra bus cycles to access 16-bit locations but this may be preferred over the extra cost of
additional external memory devices.
Ports A and B are configured as a 16-bit address bus and Port A is multiplexed with data. Internal visibility
is not available in this mode because the internal cycles would need to be split into two 8-bit cycles.
Since the PEAR register can only be written one time in this mode, use care to set all bits to the desired
states during the single allowed write.
The PE3/LSTRB pin is always a general purpose I/O pin in normal expanded narrow mode. Although it
is possible to write the LSTRE bit in PEAR to “1” in this mode, the state of LSTRE is overridden and Port
E bit 3 cannot be reconfigured as the LSTRB output.
It is possible to enable the pipe status signals on Port E bits 6 and 5 by setting the PIPOE bit in PEAR, but
it would be unusual to do so in this mode. LSTRB would also be needed to fully understand system
activity. Development systems where pipe status signals are monitored would typically use special
expanded wide mode or occasionally special expanded narrow mode.
The PE4/ECLK pin is initially configured as ECLK output with stretch. The E clock output function
depends upon the settings of the NECLK bit in the PEAR register, the IVIS bit in the MODE register and
the ESTR bit in the EBICTL register. In normal expanded narrow mode, the E clock is available for use
in external select decode logic or as a constant speed clock for use in the external application system.
The PE2/R/W pin is initially configured as a general purpose input with a pull-up but this pin can be
reconfigured as the R/W bus control signal by writing “1” to the RDWE bit in PEAR. If the expanded
narrow system includes external devices that can be written such as RAM, the RDWE bit would need to
be set before any attempt to write to an external location. If there are no writable resources in the external
system, PE2 can be left as a general purpose I/O pin. Internal Visibility
Internal visibility is available when the MCU is operating in expanded wide modes or emulation narrow
mode. It is not available in single-chip, peripheral or normal expanded narrow modes. Internal visibility is
enabled by setting the IVIS bit in the MODE register.