MC9S08RC/RD/RE/RG Data Sheet, Rev. 1.11
Freescale Semiconductor
Program and Erase Command Execution
The steps for executing any of the commands are listed below. The FCDIV register must be initialized and
any error ags cleared before beginning command execution. The command execution steps are:
1. Write a data value to an address in the FLASH array. The address and data information from this
write is latched into the FLASH interface. This write is a required rst step in any command
sequence. For erase and blank check commands, the value of the data is not important. For page
erase commands, the address may be any address in the 512-byte page of FLASH to be erased. For
mass erase and blank check commands, the address can be any address in the FLASH memory.
Whole pages of 512 bytes are the smallest block of FLASH that may be erased. In the 60K version,
there are two instances where the size of a block that is accessible to the user is less than 512 bytes:
the rst page following RAM, and the rst page following the high page registers. These pages are
overlapped by the RAM and high page registers respectively.
Do not program any byte in the FLASH more than once after a successful
erase operation. Reprogramming bits to a byte which is already
programmed is not allowed without rst erasing the page in which the byte
resides or mass erasing the entire FLASH memory. Programming without
rst erasing may disturb data stored in the FLASH.
2. Write the command code for the desired command to FCMD. The ve valid commands are blank
check ($05), byte program ($20), burst program ($25), page erase ($40), and mass erase ($41). The
command code is latched into the command buffer.
3. Write a 1 to the FCBEF bit in FSTAT to clear FCBEF and launch the command (including its
address and data information).
A partial command sequence can be aborted manually by writing a 0 to FCBEF any time after the write to
the memory array and before writing the 1 that clears FCBEF and launches the complete command.
Aborting a command in this way sets the FACCERR access error ag, which must be cleared before
starting a new command.
A strictly monitored procedure must be adhered to, or the command will not be accepted. This minimizes
the possibility of any unintended changes to the FLASH memory contents. The command complete ag
(FCCF) indicates when a command is complete. The command sequence must be completed by clearing
FCBEF to launch the command.
Figure 4-3 is a owchart for executing all of the commands except for
burst programming. The FCDIV register must be initialized before using any FLASH commands. This
must be done only once following a reset.