Enhanced Serial Communications Interface (ESCI) Module
MC68HC908GR60A MC68HC908GR48A MC68HC908GR32A Data Sheet, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor Idle Characters
For TXINV = 0 (output not inverted), a transmitted idle character contains all 1s and has no start, stop, or
parity bit. Idle character length depends on the M bit in SCC1. The preamble is a synchronizing idle
character that begins every transmission.
If the TE bit is cleared during a transmission, the TxD pin becomes idle after completion of the
transmission in progress. Clearing and then setting the TE bit during a transmission queues an idle
character to be sent after the character currently being transmitted.
When a break sequence is followed immediately by an idle character, this
SCI design exhibits a condition in which the break character length is
reduced by one half bit time. In this instance, the break sequence will
consist of a valid start bit, eight or nine data bits (as defined by the M bit in
SCC1) of 0 and one half data bit length of 0 in the stop bit position followed
immediately by the idle character. To ensure a break character of the
proper length is transmitted, always queue up a byte of data to be
transmitted while the final break sequence is in progress.
When queueing an idle character, return the TE bit to 1 before the stop bit
of the current character shifts out to the TxD pin. Setting TE after the stop
bit appears on TxD causes data previously written to the SCDR to be lost.
A good time to toggle the TE bit for a queued idle character is when the
SCTE bit becomes set and just before writing the next byte to the SCDR. Inversion of Transmitted Output
The transmit inversion bit (TXINV) in ESCI control register 1 (SCC1) reverses the polarity of transmitted
data. All transmitted values including idle, break, start, and stop bits, are inverted when TXINV is at 1.
13.8.1 ESCI Control Register 1
. Transmitter Interrupts
These conditions can generate CPU interrupt requests from the ESCI transmitter:
ESCI transmitter empty (SCTE) — The SCTE bit in SCS1 indicates that the SCDR has transferred
a character to the transmit shift register. SCTE can generate a transmitter CPU interrupt request.
Setting the ESCI transmit interrupt enable bit, SCTIE, in SCC2 enables the SCTE bit to generate
transmitter CPU interrupt requests.
Transmission complete (TC) — The TC bit in SCS1 indicates that the transmit shift register and the
SCDR are empty and that no break or idle character has been generated. The transmission
complete interrupt enable bit, TCIE, in SCC2 enables the TC bit to generate transmitter CPU
interrupt requests.
13.4.3 Receiver
Figure 13-6
shows the structure of the ESCI receiver. The receiver I/O registers are summarized in
Figure 13-4