Operating Modes and On-Chip Memory
Data Sheet
M68HC11E Family — Rev. 5
Operating Modes and On-Chip Memory
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ADPU — Analog-to-Digital Converter Power-Up Bit
Refer to
Section 3. Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter
CSEL — Clock Select Bit
Selects alternate clock source for on-chip EEPROM charge pump. Refer to
2.5.1 EEPROM and CONFIG Programming and Erasure
for more information
on EEPROM use.
CSEL also selects the clock source for the A/D converter, a function discussed
Section 3. Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter
IRQE — Configure IRQ for Edge-Sensitive Only Operation Bit
Refer to
Section 5. Resets and Interrupts
DLY — Enable Oscillator Startup Delay Bit
0 = The oscillator startup delay coming out of stop mode is bypassed and the
MCU resumes processing within about four bus cycles.
1 = A delay of approximately 4000 E-clock cycles is imposed as the MCU is
started up from the stop power-saving mode. This delay allows the
crystal oscillator to stabilize.
CME — Clock Monitor Enable Bit
Refer to
Section 5. Resets and Interrupts
Bit 2 — Not implemented
Always reads 0
CR[1:0] — COP Timer Rate Select Bits
The internal E clock is divided by 2
before it enters the COP watchdog system.
These control bits determine a scaling factor for the watchdog timer. Refer to
Section 5. Resets and Interrupts
Certain devices in the M68HC11 E series include on-chip EPROM/OTPROM. For
The MC68HC711E9 devices contain 12 Kbytes of on-chip EPROM
(OTPROM in non-windowed package).
The MC68HC711E20 has 20 Kbytes of EPROM (OTPROM in
non-windowed package).
The MC68HC711E32 has 32 Kbytes of EPROM (OTPROM in
non-windowed package).
Standard MC68HC71E9 and MC68HC711E20 devices are shipped with the
EPROM/OTPROM contents erased (all 1s). The programming operation programs
zeros. Windowed devices must be erased using a suitable ultraviolet light source
before reprogramming. Depending on the light source, erasing can take from 15 to
45 minutes.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.