Revision 0.3
Multiple block write with pre-defined block count
The card will accept the requested number of data blocks and terminate the transaction. ‘Stop tran’ token is not required at
the end of this type of multiple block write, unless terminated with an error. In order to start a multiple block write with pre-
defined block count the host must use the SET_BLOCK_COUNT command (CMD23) immediately preceding the
WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK (CMD25) command. Otherwise the card will start an open-ended multiple block write which
can be stopped using the ‘Stop tran’ token.
The host can abort writing at any time, within a multiple block operation, regardless of the its type. Transaction abort is
done by sending the ‘Stop tran’ token. If a multiple block write with pre-defined block count is aborted, the data in the
remaining blocks is not defined.
If the host provides an out of range address as an argument to either CMD17 or CMD18, or the currently defined block
length is illegal for a read operation, the card will reject the command, remain in
state and respond with the
ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE or BLOCK_LEN_ERROR bit set, respectively.
If the host sets the argument of the SET_BLOCK_COUNT command (CMD23) to all 0s, then the command is accepted;
however, a subsequent write will follow the open-ended multiple block write protocol (STOP_TRANSMISSION command -
CMD12 - is required).
If the card detects a CRC error or a programming error (e.g. write protect violation, out of range, address misalignment,
internal error, etc.) during a multiple block write operation (both types) it will report the failure in the data-response token
and ignore any further incoming data blocks. The host must than abort the operation by sending the ‘Stop Tran’ token.
If the host uses partial blocks whose accumulated length is not block aligned, and block misalignment is not allowed (CSD
parameter WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is not set), the card shall detect the block misalignment error during the reception of
the first misaligned block, abort the write operation, and ignore all further incoming data. The host must abort the operation
by sending the ‘Stop Tran’ token, to which the card will respond with the ADDRESS_MISALIGN bit set.
Once the programming operation is completed (either successfully or with an error), the host must check the results of the
programming (or the cause of the error if already reported in the data-response token) using the SEND_STATUS com-
mand (CMD13).
If the host sends a ‘Stop Trans’ token after the card received the last data block of a multiple block operation with pre-
defined number of blocks, it will be interpreted as the beginning of an illegal command and responded accordingly.
While the card is busy, resetting the CS signal will not terminate the programming process. The card will release the
DataOut line (tri-state) and continue with programming. If the card is reselected before the programming is finished, the
DataOut line will be forced back to low and all commands will be rejected.
Resetting a card (using CMD0) will terminate any pending or active programming operations. This may destroy the data
formats on the card. It is in the responsibility of the host to prevent it.
7.9 Erase & Write Protect Management
The erase and write protect management procedures in the SPI mode are identical to those of the MultiMediaCard mode.
While the card is erasing or changing the write protection bits of the predefined erase groups list, it will be in a busy state
and hold the DataOut line low. Figure 7-7 illustrates a ‘no data’ bus transaction with and without busy signalling.
Figure 7-7 : SPI ‘No data’ Operations
to card
to card
to host
to host