MB90340E Series
Instruction system best suited to controller
- Wide choice of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word)
- Wide choice of addressing modes (23 types)
- Enhanced functionality with signed multiply and divide instructions and the RETI instruction
- Enhanced high-precision computing with 32-bit accumulator
Instruction system compatible with high-level language (C language) and multitask
- Employing system stack pointer
- Various enhanced pointer indirect instructions
- Barrel shift instructions
Increased processing speed
- 4-byte instruction queue
Serial interface
UART (LIN/SCI) : up to 4 channels
- Equipped with full-duplex double buffer
- Clock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial transmission is available
I2C interface* : up to 2 channels (only for devices with a C suffix in the part number)
- Up to 400 kbps transfer rate
Interrupt controller
Powerful 8-level, 34-condition interrupt feature
Up to 16 external interrupts are supported
Automatic data transfer function independent of CPU
- Expanded intelligent I/O service function (EI2OS) : up to 16 channels
I/O ports
General-purpose input/output port (CMOS output)
- 80 ports (for devices without an S suffix in the part number - i.e. devices that support the sub clock)
- 82 ports (for devices with an S suffix in the part number - i.e. devices that do not support the sub clock)
8/10-bit A/D converter
16 channels (only for devices without a C suffix in the part number)
24 channels (only for devices with a C suffix in the part number)
Resolution is selectable between 8-bit and 10-bit.
Activation by external trigger input is allowed.
Conversion time : 3
s (at 24 MHz machine clock, including sampling time)
Program patch function
Detects address matches against 6 address pointers
Time-base timer, watch timer, watchdog timer : 1 channel
8/16-bit PPG timer : 8-bit
× 16 channels, or 16-bit × 8 channels
16-bit reload timer : 4 channels
16-bit input/output timer
- 16-bit free-run timer : 2 channels
(FRT0 : ICU 0/1/2/3, OCU 0/1/2/3, FRT1 : ICU 4/5/6/7, OCU 4/5/6/7)
- 16-bit input capture: (ICU): 8 channels
- 16-bit output compare: (OCU): 8 channels